Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Tsukino Suki - Partially Recovered!

Who is Tsukino Suki? How can I download them? What banks are available?

Tsukino Suki - Partially Recovered!

Note, in this article I am going to use "they / them" pronouns for Suki and "he / him" pronouns for Elliot. 

Tsukino Suki is an UTAU made by Elliot way back in 2013. I really, really like both Suki and Elliot's voice.

Suki has went through multiple design changes over the years. One of their earliest designs was the one I used in the video for an original song featuring Suki.

The most recent Suki design by Ame is a lot more cute than the way I drew them, however.
Usage of fanart approved by Elliot

What does partially recovered mean?

Right before I quit UTAU in 2013, I met Elliot. He was pretty awesome and worked with me to make a really cool CV bank for Suki. I was always pushing for VCV banks, but recording those takes quite a bit of time and effort. By the time Suki had a VCV, I was off to California where I didn't have much time alone with my laptop.

Because of that, I never had the VCV bank in my possession. That meant that I was never able to obsessively preserve it. However, I did have the CV bank!

That's why this UTAU is considered partially recovered. The CV is really, really good.

However, I do understand that some people don't want to use something unless it has at least CVVC capabilities.

What's in the future for Suki?

Sadly, Suki is and most likely will remain a retired UTAU. You can use them and love them, but you can't expect a new bank for them. Elliot has moved on to new banks, such as Elis

If you want to love on Suki and make them sing, download the bank here.

I hope that someone finds this little CV bank and loves it as much as I do. Always feel free to leave comments with the awesome stuff you create! 😃

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