Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

What is UTAUSNR?

What is UTAUSNR? Why isn't it UTAUSaR? What will be on this blog?

What is UTAUSNR?

UTAU Search and Rescue is a blog dedicated to bringing dead UTAUs back to life, along with short stories about the efforts taken to find them.

Why SNR? The "N" stands for "And" and reminds me much less of a deadly disease.

Redistribution bad!

I don't personally fully subscribe to the idea that redistribution of banks is wrong at all times. If a bank has no rules attached to it, there is no solid proof that the bank is prohibited from being redistributed. (The counter-argument is that unless the bank included a licence that allowed redistribution, there is no proof redistribution is allowed.) 

My personal thoughts on the subject is that the main reason to follow rules is to not get in legal trouble. Uploading and sharing an old copy of a Yoko Itone bank won't get me in legal trouble because Yoko Itone's creator and voice provider has been missing for a number of years. 

If a bank is explicitly prohibited from distribution, I won't post links to it. Period. However, if my networking skills allow it, I will hopefully be able to find people willing to privately share the banks in question. That will require privately contacting the people with the bank and getting a private link that isn't posted anywhere public. Matsudappoiyo is my biggest example of why I believe this isn't patently illegal. That guy was loved and the fandom was heartbroken when his links passed on. However, people shuffling downloads between themselves kept him alive.

And what's wrong with that?

But some UTAUs be 100% Dead by Choice, not by time

There are some UTAUs that have been taken off of the internet were taken off for reasons that make even private distribution iffy. If I can find proof that the creator legitimately wants their UTAU to never be used again, I won't go to the effort of trying to even find links. Matsudappoiyo, again, is the exception that proves the rule. His creator allowed private redistribution and even reuploaded the banks briefly at one point. Other than in cases of Rubies and Namidas (i.e., taking down the banks for legal reasons) I can't think of many UTAUs that fall into the category of the creators violently disavowing them. 

I may be too caught up in hunting down links and Mediafires to find information pointing to why the UTAU was taken out of circulation. If it is brought to my attention why, I will follow the creator's wishes ASAP.

How can I get you to find an UTAU?!

At me on Twitter or leave a comment with the name of the UTAU and as much information as you can come up with. I'll get to it as soon as I have the free time!

This blog might never pick up, but I'll have fun sharing what I learn and how I learned it.

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