Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Monday, December 31, 2018

Kurane Zanda - The Last Living USloid - Recovered!

Who is Kurane Zanda? Where is his voicebank? How can I download 暗音ザンダ?

Kurane Zanda - The Goth USLoid - Recovered!

In writing my Forgotten Friday series, I have realized that almost every USloid died when MegaUpload was seized by the government. If you're too young to remember that, boy howdy, was it a trip. MegaUpload was extremely popular to upload to. It actually paid people to pirate stuff. However, no UTAU users were getting paid. It was just the easiest place to store things with the most storage. My internet was garbage, so I loved their upload manager program. If my internet cut out, it was no big deal. The uploader resumed it like it was nothing. Then the government seized it and everything on it was lost.

I don't think I ever had Kori, Hina, or anyone after that. The only USloid I personally kept on my computer that I could upload is Tomero Chii's beta triphones and original CV bank. (yep, that's how long ago it was. They were triphones.) Zanda was the first overseas UTAU I remember using. He came after Chii but people treated Zanda more favorably as if he was the first.

Who is Zanda?

Kurane Zanda was created by a guy named Zander. His design was extremely cool, even if the art didn't do it justice all of the time. To see how cool his design could be, a simple Pixiv search will yield some pretty awesome results.
Official Artwork Packaged with Bank
It feels insane that both Zander and I are in our twenties, but Zanda's official age is still 15 years old. Granted, Zanda "died" when MegaUpload was seized and was never updated again. So maybe there is some validity to that official age.

Zanda's voice is a bit unique.

He seemingly suffered the same issues with recording as Kenta Chikune, only to a smaller degree. However, new breakthroughs in UTAU technology help smooth over some of those issues.

While he has all required files, he doesn't have the newer additions to UTAU banks like ヴぃ and すぃ.

How can I download Zanda?!

Zanda was 100% dead with all download links removed. He was never reuploaded to a modern sharing site until I asked him for it. He searched his old hard drives and found the bank! You can download it here.

200824 update - I actually never explicitly asked if I could share the link itself. The bank was taken down, but I still had it. I asked permission to reupload it and share, and I got permission! Here's the link to download him!

Hopefully, someone sees Zanda and falls in love. For the first time in nearly a decade, everyone can play with this bank!


  1. Replies
    1. Omg it is!

      I can't use Twitter at the moment, but you may be able to send Zander a message asking for the bank. No idea why it was taken down :( I can't rehost it because I delete banks after covering them 99% of the time.

      - Mae

    2. What is his twitter name if i may know?

    3. Hey there! I reached out and got permission to rehost it!

      Let me know if there are any issues with the new link - I did all of the uploading and editing from my phone 😛

      - Mae

  2. Ah... The link is dead 😌😌 too bad...

  3. you mentioned you can reupload Tomero Chii's original bank, would that be possible?

    1. I have reasons I can't talk to Austin, so I'm unable to get his permission :( I might feel safe sharing privately, but I do not want to do anything that would make him upset - and posting the bank without permission might make him upset.

    2. I know this comment is almost a year old, but you could DL his VB here: (
