Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #61 - 夜詠蒼 / Ao Yoyomi

My meds are kicking in and they're kicking in hard. It's getting harder to think and I feel more uncomfortable, but I'm glad I'm calming down. I was so proud of myself because I woke up and just had coffee for breakfast, but I feel like the hunger dizzies will attack today. Maybe if I just write enough and sit still, I can ignore them. 

Wiki Wednesday #61 - 夜詠蒼 / Ao Yoyomi

Night song blue! That's her name. Well, or Blue Evening Poem. Who even knows in this crazy, mixed up world. 

Ao's concept art is so pretty. This UTAU is so pretty. I'm not checking to see if she suddenly catapulted to fame before writing this, but I'm shocked when art this good just gets ignored. That never happened in the old days. Good art was your ticket to stardom. Now there are thousands of UTAUs instead of dozens, though, so I do get it a bit.

Who is Yoyomi Ao?

This is the official art, but the official art packaged with the bank was eleven megabytes. That's huge, so I saved the preview on the UTAU Wiki to my computer and used that. The quality is a little lower, but WOW, my internet is too slow to upload anything that big right now.

The hunger shakies hit so hard. I am just lightheaded and ungood feeling right now. I drank a Soylent, and I really want that to fix it, but I'm just like "I don't like this feeling and I want it to stop", knowing dang well that once you eat enough, it stops. I  had to just give up on my diet for now. I'm probably going to gain it all back because... This feels bad and food will make me feel good. 

If I keep myself distracted, I should be able to push through. My main choices are yogurt and a diet soda (because acid helps mitigate my allergies), cheese, lunch meat, and a diet soda (because acid helps mitigate my allergies), or a clif bar. I could tear into some instant noodles or even a lasagna, but I don't feel that hungry. Heck, my tummy isn't hungry, my head is because I'm dizzy. My stomach says "Stop eating, you don't need this." But I'm dizzy, stomach! I'm really dizzy! (The other option is coffee, which my creamer makes more caloric-ally dense than yogurt and fruit gummies.)

I have a feeling people don't come to this blog for my mental health struggles, but they do come here for a picture, a sound file, and a download link. I'm still giving ya'll that!

So, I learned a new English word from this Japanese biography. Taciturn means she doesn't speak much. She sleeps a lot and is very thin. She runs fast and has the ability to hover in the air. The highlights in her eyes are stars. She's a teenager and she hates seafood.

She also likes Western candy. Do you ever just get the feeling that you want to mail a Japanese person American candy? Does Japan have the best American candies? (Snickers, Reese's, and Butterfinger. Don't @ me.)

How are Ao Yoyomi's banks?

Ao has two banks. Both are revisions of previous banks, according to the filenames. They are both one pitch, but one is CV and the other is VCV. 

For the most part, they sound really similar, but not close enough to be identical. The recording quality of the CV is a bit better, and a little more forceful. Instead of rendering off two samples and adding two audio files to my drive, I'll just cut and paste them into the same file. That will make it easier to hear the difference than clicking one then clicking the other... And repeating to hear the differences again...

I'm too out of it to figure out if the few glitches in the CV can be fixed with OTOs, but the voice overall is really sweet and nice. It's a little too vivid for my tastes, but it doesn't sound voice acted. It sounds really natural. The first bank is the CV, and the second is the VCV. Can you tell the difference?

Where can I download Yoyomi Ao?

You can download Ao from her download page. Of course, I sent in a message asking if they'd record my English list for me. I'm 95% sure it will go unread as the last update was in 2015 and the last tweet was in 2018.

If you don't mind her only being one pitch, she's a really good UTAU and you may love using her. 

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