Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Forgotten Friday #87 - 霧音コカ / Kirine Koka

I won't make jokes about the name in the body of the article. But I have to make one small one. Did they know what the given name means? Is it meant to be Coca? The password (whoops, I'm sharing passwords because it's relevant) is koka, but like... That could be to hide the subversive nature. I don't think there's much information on this UTAU at all, so I have no idea. 

Forgotten Friday #87 - 霧音コカ / Kirine Koka

So! I love acquiring things. I'd rather have money in the bank than objects in my room, so I don't really shop... at all. So, if I can't spend money, how can I acquire things? I download UTAU banks.

I really do have an issue. I just really feel happy when I do it. However, my computer has limited space on it. So, I tell myself, you can't download anything more until you delete the banks you have. Well, how do I do that?! By writing an article on them. Bank goes bye-bye and I've been productive.

Now, that's all great, and I'm going to do my best to start where I stopped and go on up as far as I can. The issue is that well... The articles are going to be a bit... This is kind of weird to explain. 2010 kind of feels more like 2009 than 2010 when you're running through the list and finding how many banks are just gone. Almost every overseas UTAU from the last few months I've looked through has just been gone into the aether. Most of the Japanese UTAUs seem to be linked to on a nicovideo and that's it. No page, no Wiki, nothing other than a link on a NicoVideo.

I can completely understand that 2009 people were exploring a new world and kind of wanted to stick around because they had roots. 2010 people weren't the first to the party, and felt safe saying "deuces" and skipping out. Or, 4Shared and MediaFire had a massive purge. That one doesn't strike me as correct because all of my stuff on there is still there. (As a note, I had no idea how often my UTAU had been downloaded from MediaFire. Some of her VCV banks had been downloaded over five hundred times?!)

So, Forgotten Friday episodes will be a mess for a bit. They'll all have a picture, a sample, and a link... But will I talk about Hostess Snack Cakes? Will I talk about the weather? Who knows! I just know that I want to download more banks and need to work through the ones I have first. 

Who is Koka Kirine?

Image from video on Nicovideo

Her personality is garter belt. That's literally it. 

I mean, this is what I was talking about. I could go on about the design choices, and how I rather like the whole aesthetic... But there's a picture to look at. We're all seeing the same picture. One of my "life is hard and I want to feel happy" YouTubers, NexJen, describes every item she holds up in detail because some of her viewers may be visually impaired and she wants to make sure that every single viewer has the best experience possible.

Now I feel bad for not doing that! Koka has green eyes and long black hair. I'm not sure if it is the stylized anatomy or not, but the skirt seems a bit short! But, it has to be to show off her garter belt. She wears a white collared shirt with long sleeves. She shirt has coattails that reach the edge of her skirt. Her black skirt is the same color as her vest, which has two golden buttons. One button is fastened, while the other is not.

How is Kirine Koka's bank?

As far as I know, Koka only has one bank. It is a one pitch, hiragana encoded CV. I had to click onto two of her videos to find an appropriate picture for the article, but the intros were so long, I bailed in favor of finding out how she sounded as I wrote the article.

First and foremost, the OTOs are really bad. 

And... the voice sounds nothing like I was expecting! I expected a kind of shrill, Haruka Nana type voice. This isn't that.

Where can I download Koka Kirine?

The one link I know of is on her distribution video. If you're a collector, then you want to download her as soon as possible. I'm not posting the direct link out of courtesy to the voice provider, because like I said, direct links are killing the MMD fandom. If the video gets taken down, she's gone. She's not the best, but she seems like a candidate for anyone who likes breathing new life into old UTAUs. 


  1. maybe by "her personality is garter belt" they meant that her personality is like gaterbelt from panty and stocking?

  2. That's a really good theory! Though, I did check and this utau was released a few months before the show. Maybe the information was written after the release, though!
