Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Forgotten Friday #153 - 麻理子ちゃん / Mariko-chan

 Oh my! This is the last draft from that specific word document! It's so crazy how productive I am being and I really like it! Also, I don't know if I noticed before - her name is Hemp Logic Kid.

Forgotten Friday #153 - 麻理子ちゃん / Mariko-chan

Hurrah hurray! This is the last UTAU in this spreadsheet! 

Sadly, this doesn’t mean I get to go on an awesome download spree. First, I need to process all of the UTAUs in this spreadsheet, write up 20 UTAUs in a different spreadsheet, process those, and then finish all of the Wiki Wednesday articles I have already started. 

Then, and only then, can I go on a dope download spree. I really, really look forward to that.

This specific UTAU was the one that I was trying to download in my video where I was begging for help to figure out why Axfc was such a jerk. 

This is also the UTAU where I realized that tumblr’s redirect link system is completely broken. You can figure out how an Axfc link is supposed to look and use that, but why. Why is everything vocal synth breaking. I know tumblr redirects have nothing to do with vocal synths beyond the two broken links I’ve tried… But bleh. Yeah, this hurts other fandoms way more, but my lip randomly started bleeding. No metaphor, I’m just not the best place.

Who is Mariko-chan?

Art from Distribution Site

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #142 - ひつじっぽいの / Hitsujippoino

 Ya know what I'm most excited for? Downloading more UTAUs. It is basically my favorite thing to do when I have this specific personality. But I can't for a while because it's kind of ridiculous how many UTAU banks I have in my download folder right now. 

Wiki Wednesday #142 - ひつじっぽいの / Hitsujippoino

Because this is a Japanese UTAU and the voice provider is unlikely to ever see this, I can be a silly pants and just talk about anything and everything. A voice provider may want to see me speaking on their UTAU and talking kindly.

If they won't see me speaking on it, I feel there is less need to be kindly and go over all of the details. As always, the picture, samples, and links will be hanging out to be scrolled down to, no problems at all. 

Who is Hitsujippoino?

Official Art from Website

Friday, November 19, 2021

Forgotten Friday #152 - HANAUTA-PROJECT's 琉花 / Ruka

 I can't believe how fast this goes when each UTAU only has one bank! I might be able to reach my goal before the sun rises! But I won't state that as a goal because then I'd really feel like I had to do everything in one night. Which I don't. Unless...

Forgotten Friday #152 - HANAUTA-PROJECT's 琉花 / Ruka

 This UTAU is named Ruka. The reading could be Ryuuka. But they named him Ruka. Now, what’s the issue with this? Megurine Luka. The katakana is “Ruka”. This feels like a bad idea, and would be torn apart in the overseas fandom circa 2010. 

But, ya know what? There’s worse names. There’s names that just don’t work as an UTAU, because you’ll never find the videos of the UTAUs. This UTAU has unique kanji despite the unadvised reading. So, you can google for this, but not for an UTAU with a katakana name with no kanji like “shina”. 

Who is Ruka?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #141 - 鉄音敦人 / Atsuto Tetsune

 The last article I did seriously took over an hour just for the processing! I converted an entire Arpasing bank to use MEL phonemes, but dang it. It was just broken because it was OTO'd by Moresampler. Thankfully, this is just one lone CV!

Wiki Wednesday #141 - 鉄音敦人 / Atsuto Tetsune

You know what's hilarious? "Al Sharpton's Casa de Sushi".

It's a random Saturday Night Live sketch from 2003, and I feel like not many people would recognize it. You see, it's funny because "house of' is in Spanish, but sushi isn't Spanish! It's not Castilian and it's not Latino. It's from Japan!

And they don't like it, but they serve it. How do they know it's good or bad if they don't like it at all! That seems like a bad business model!

Also, is silly. Sushi actually blew up in America as early as the sixties. But I guess it took a long time to bleed into middle America. Sushi was being treated like this Johnny Come Lately back in until 2000s if I'm remembering right.

Anyway, this is an UTAU blog.

Who is Tetsune Atsuto?

Official Art from Wiki Page

Friday, November 12, 2021

Forgotten Friday #151 - Dr.シダマ / Doctor Shidama

 Boy howdy do I sure love Huel! I drink chocolate flavored Huel Black so that I get all the protein I need despite being vegan!

Forgotten Friday #151 - Dr.シダマ / Doctor Shidama

Just two articles after this one, and I will be done with this spreadsheet as far as the “on my bed” portions go! 

I have another spreadsheet with about twenty UTAUs who actually came from the original spreadsheet. I verified the banks were up, made sure the biographical data was easily available online… I have to get through that list before I can download more. So, bittersweet that I’m almost done with this spreadsheet, but that doesn’t mean I get to download anything new afterwards. 

I really, really like downloading things.

Who is Dr. Shidama?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #140 - Kikuro Johatsun

 Day two of trying to get this blog pushed out until 2022 before 2021 starts. Sadly, I want to go all in with Wiki Wednesday and get it pushed way out... but then Forgotten Friday wouldn't be pushed out until 2022, so that would miss the point. But at least I've got a few more Wiki Wednesday articles until 2022!

All Editor's Notes are from Dec 22, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #140 - Kikuro Johatsun

So, my dyslexia kicks my butt. Spent years thinking this was Kikuro Johnson. It obviously isn't, but that's just what dyslexia does.

I am annoyed, though. On television, whenever they were illustrating dyslexia, the words boogied and shaked all over the page. They were little noodles of lines that came to life.

Naw, not for me at least. I can easily illustrate what it is like.

Read this sentence. "I like to read along with older books."

Read it again. Read it three times. Now, you notice someone says something entirely unrelated to that. So you look back and now it says:

"I caught it along with older hooks."

It is just like the text was edited while you looked away. It was there, then it was something else. No fun jiggling around, just… entirely and utterly wrong. This is probably why I actually have the ability to read in dreams.

Who is Kikuro Johatsun?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, November 5, 2021

Forgotten Friday #150 - honoca_2's 空架-kuuka-

 Whoo! I think I might actually be able to reach my completely arbitrary and meaningless goal!

Forgotten Friday #150 - honoca_2's 空架-kuuka-

On one hoof, I’m really glad that the family I just wrapped up got wrapped up. On the other hoof, this UTAU has no bio data beyond the fact that she sounds like a woman, but you’re allowed to just give her whatever gender you want. And I picked her.

Apparently, her name means “empty shelf” in Chinese. I pasted it into Google Translate when I meant to paste it into Jisho. If that is the case, why does Google Translate say that her name is “fictitious” when translating the entire page? It can’t even figure it out when I mash the “listen” button on Google Translate. The romanization at the bottom is the correct “Kūka”, but the voice says “soraka”. 

And I still have two hooves to consider other possibilities! See why saying on the other hoof is fun and useful? Though, given that I currently posses zero hooves, it is just as realistic to say on the other hand four times. 

I just like My Little Pony a lot.

Who is Kuuka?

Art from Visual Archive 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #139 - 甘音セト / Set Amane

 Hurrah hurray! This is the last usa-utau bank in this word document! So that means, going in order of the word document as I have been doing, no more usa-utau banks for almost twenty articles straight! Pretty cool! 

Wiki Wednesday #139 - 甘音セト / Set Amane

Just one more article tonight. If I do five a day, I'll hit my goal of winning Nanowrimo during the wrong month by not writing a novel! Also, the daily exhaustion kicked in and my current computer chair requires effort to sit in because there's no arm rests or back. It's a roll-y stool at this point.

Who is Amane Set?

Official Art from Bank