Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #213 - Amaya Heikatsu / 平滑天谷

All my imaginary friends went missing - it's just me up here.

Wiki Wednesday #213 - Amaya Heikatsu / 平滑天谷

Amaya is a sixteen year old woman who is very mean. She loves pudding and alpacas but hates milk and zebras. She does not understand zebras.

The first time I read her page, I laughed a little. A thing about being agender is that you owe no one androgyny. Wearing a binder for your chest all day every day can be very dangerous. You can be non-binary and agender and still have a chest. However, this UTAU was meant to represent androgyny... Until the creator accidentally gave her boobs.

Who is Heikatsu Amaya?

official art from bank

Again, it is fictional Ouura.

I would have never held it against George if he wasn't able to learn Madian. I would have understood if he lost steam after a week. But he loved me more than I could have ever imagined.

I had one year left of our high school equivalent when we had met, but he had just graduated. Instead of going to university, he wanted to take a year to volunteer at our elementary school so that he could be immersed in the language. Madia helped him set it up so that he even had his own apartment and grocery delivery.

He loved it. He expected to be some kind of teacher, but he instead was a janitor. When he first told me, I was so confused. He was smiling so brightly! He didn't like children in large doses, so he didn't want to be an elementary school teacher. He didn't care what he was doing, he just wanted to learn how to understand me and speak to me in the language that I thought in. 

Of course, I sobbed and he held me. 

Once I graduated, we decided to live our lives to the fullest. We sat down and made a plan. We would find temporary work on high cost of living planets that would comp our boarding so that everything went directly into savings. Once we saved enough, we would vacation to low cost of living planets and focus on collecting degrees and certifications like it was a Pokedex. 

And, the plan went perfectly. Our first jobs shocked us. With all of the technology in the universe, we got a job picking fruit. The boss admitted that robots would do it better, but the fact that people did it made the rich people feel smug. And apparently, smug people pay more.

With each certification, the jobs became less backbreaking. My first certification was in kitchen management. George was still working on his first degree, so I worked in the kitchen and he was a food server. Even though my job would usually pay more than his, he got extra tips just by giving bite sized English lessons. I was so proud of him.

Once I had my degree, I started doing temporary clerical work. There was one job where I helped develop a video game, but it was mostly just sitting at a dimly lit office typing things into retro keyboards that had a satisfying clack. 

He usually was able to get teaching jobs. He couldn't stand being in an office, but I loved it. I especially loved when I had free time to study programming. Mind you, it wasn't the quantum nonsense that the Union had use for - it was just for fun.

The places we lived while not working were usually majestic. Once, we somehow got a cabin next to a perfect little babbling brook. We had our own herb garden and everything!

I thought we were going to live our nomadic life forever, but one day, everything changed.

How is Amaya Heikatsu's bank?

Amaya has a one pitch, hiragana encoded CV bank. The OTOs will need work to get the best result. Her voice is very nice. It matches her canon age and personality very well because it is warm and somewhat mature, but still youthful.

Where can I download Heikatsu Amaya?

The download link to her bank is on her Wikia page.

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