Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Forgotten Friday #10 - 餡知モン / Anchimon

Who is Anchi Mon? What does Anchimon mean? How can I download 餡知モン?

Forgotten Friday #10 - 餡知モン / Anchimon

Again, I'm cheating a bit. Anchimon does have a video on YouTube from 2017. But, it's from a Japanese user and it's a chorus. Besides, who doesn't love hearing about Anchimon?! I really liked Chemistry in high school, so an UTAU named after an element (Antimony) appealed to me.

But I'm going to be completely honest - my memories of this UTAU are a weird composite of random other UTAUs. When I saw the official art packaged with the voicebank, I felt really, really confused.
. . . huh?
I remember using him, and I remember him singing "Under the Darkness" at some point, but I literally can't find any proof of either.

How is the voicebank?

The voice is really, really nice. There are some issues to point out, but when used the voice is deep and buttery. Other than some whirring from stretching, it sounds pretty darn high quality!

But boy howdy is this bank a mess. While testing out the bank, every time showed up, there was a horrible, robotic screeching. Except for one tiny bit that kept UTAU from crashing, the entire thing was covered in blue! I opened up the OTO screen and . . .
. . . whoops
And what's worse, N. H. P. made an OTO for Anchimon . . . and uploaded it on loda. For those who don't know, loda was an amazing service that allowed people to upload files. In addition to uploading files, it was possible to browse through everything each person uploaded. It was amazing for finding USTs. Then it got taken down. Now there are so many things that will never be able to be recovered. Including an OTO for this bank.

And of course, let's not forget the whole missing almost every palatalized consonant! How did I literally never figure out that so many banks were straight up missing so much?!

In spite of all that, I do like the voice.

Where can I download Anchimon?

The link Anchi Mon's (It really doesn't feel right to type it like that!) distribution video is on his UTAU Visual Archive page. It will be a bit of work to get this UTAU to a place where you can plug and play, but I'm sure it will be very much worth it for someone out there 😃

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I wanted to say that I have found a better oto.ini file for Anchi Mon right here if anyone’s interested: ( ) Hopefully this saves anyone’s time to oto!
