Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #134 - 余音ジュン / Jun Amarine

 I'll probably know in a few articles if I'll be able to, at the very least, get Wiki Wednesday to 2022 before New Years. I have like ten days, I think. Maybe nine. I don't know how to count time.

Wiki Wednesday #134 - usa-utau's 余音ジュン / Jun Amarine

The last usa UTAU article I wrote was insane. There were so many questions, and so little answers. But it ended with me wanting to read a novel about it to learn all those answers in due time. I mean, the novel doesn't exist… but if it did! I'd even take the time to read it in Japanese!

Wait. Why did a woman created in a lab in the European Union, based off of a socialite from the UK, have a Japanese name?! You see the questions that needed answering?!

This isn't one of those cases. There's no questions. 

Who is Amarine Jun?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, September 24, 2021

Forgotten Friday #144 - しょぼんぬ。のU-vα / U-va

 I initially did the math to prove I could do this by saying I needed to do six articles a day. Well! I already did six today! But that's no reason to stop. Though, I might stop if I get sleepy after this article. 

Forgotten Friday #144 - しょぼんぬ。のU-vα / U-va

I am trying so hard to figure out how this name was based off of grapes. Well, the Visual Archive says that it’s based off of “ぶどう”. “ぶどう膜炎” means “Uveitis”. 

And… Because I’m allergic to just typing the right thing in to Google, the uvea of the eye is the part where the iris lives. It is named after uva, the Latin word for grape due to its grape like appearance.

My excuse is that my brain is broken. Half of the sentences I say out loud either have the wrong words or I just give up and slur out the last few words.

Hopefully by the time I process this I will be better.

Who is U-va?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #133 - 灯音フミ / Fumi Tomoshine

 I hope I can be on a roll and get article after article done right now! I apologize for spamming usa-utau at this moment.

Wiki Wednesday #133 - 灯音フミ / Fumi Tomoshine

I first saw the design and thought, wow! I love her! But then I looked closer and I was so confused.

For those who don't know what Usa-utau is, it's a giant mess. A lot of the UTAUs are meant to be references to vocaloids. One is a copy of KAITO that got attacked by a virus. One is a copy of Rin that was given a book. I believe, for the most part, it is an attempt at a collaborative effort. 

This UTAU seems cohesive enough as it was only worked on by two people if the byline on the piapro page is correct. But then again, I see the pentagram and I'm wondering what's going on here.

Who is Tomoshine Fumi?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, September 17, 2021

Forgotten Friday #143 - v.m.g.のシキアイ / Shikiai

 Okay, this is the last v.m.g. UTAU in a good while!! Hurray! I know I broke one of my most fundamental rules here, but like I said, time crunch. If I don't meet my arbitrary and pointless harsh deadlines, what am I even good for?! But, I believe after this that's just fifteen articles left to process. I can do five articles in a day! Then I need three days, and it is December 24th, and my goal is to get the blog to 2022 before 2021 starts, so mathematically I can do it!

Forgotten Friday #143 - v.m.g.のシキアイ / Shikiai

My mom asked me what I did today. I explained that my brain is broken and I can really only do one thing: work on my blog.

She asked what I do on it, and I gave the slightly snarky “write!” with my arms hung in the air as punctuation to my really dumb joke so that she would know it was a joke. But then I explained that I wrote about the free voice characters, and how every article had a minimum of six-hundred words. That blew her mind! Six hundred sounds like a lot!

Though, I spent more time on the research portion today. The reason that post-2013 UTAUs are easier to write about is because, well, I’m only finding them because someone took the effort to make a Wiki page for them. Some older UTAUs didn’t have that honor. So, I went through the start of my original spreadsheet. I found the best and most complete source of information for each one and verified the download links still worked. I even made four Wiki pages for it!

I’m always worried that my work on the Wiki will get taken down due to fandom politics. I’m just over here trying to make writing articles from bed easier!

So, of course, I’m padding the article so that I have less I have to say about the UTAU themselves. And it’s for a silly reason. I do not like zombies. 

Who is Shikiai?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #132 - 鈴音ハナ / Hana Suzune

 So, I am going to try to get this pushed out to 2022 before the stroke of midnight on the last day of 2020. Or, I could say, I'm going to try to get this pushed out until 2022 before New Years Day 2021. As part of that, I'm just going to run down the list of UTAUs and let families stay together. I know that I promised I wouldn't, but I'm in a weird space where I just one added aspect of going out of written order is enough to make me quit because things are too hard. So I apologize!! Especially because this family will be a doozy. 

Wiki Wednesday #132 - usa-utau's 鈴音ハナ / Hana Suzune

If you're wondering how many words can be in a Google docs document before it's so unstable on my phone it won't stop crashing, the answer is 30,000. It was crashing once or twice, but only when I was selecting stuff too fast. But, the last article it was crashing constantly. So, I really needed to make a new document so that I could easily switch from Chrome to Docs and back. So here it is! I mean, it won't look any different once it's on the site, but I'll know the distinction.

Editor's note: Some of the things referenced won't really make sense because this was written in my drafts after other articles about this family, but will be published later.

Who is Suzune Hana?

Official Art from Site

Friday, September 10, 2021

Forgotten Friday #142 - v.g.m.のウィル/シャル / shallwill

 I got really distracted for a really silly reason, but now I'm back at doing articles! I think maybe the distraction will speed me up in the long run! 

Forgotten Friday #142 - v.g.m.のウィル/シャル / shallwill

I really like vmg UTAUs. Like… a lot. I even commented on one of the vgm UTAU’s release videos, and that made the manager happy. That makes me happy!

I am so confused about this one, though. There’s two characters, but only one bank. There are two strong pitches and two weak pitches. I believe that the intention is that the lower pitches are Shall and the higher pitches are Will. (Note! I did finally look at the visual archive page. It’s a little sloppy because the bio for Will isn’t there. But, Shall is just Will with “g+15”. I don’t do the gender bend thing due to my no flags rule, so the sample will just be for Will.)

Who is Will?

Official Icon from Bank

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #131 - にんとね れいちぇる / Reicheru Nintone

Okay so, I was confused because Reicheru Nintone was on my list, but she was giant in popularity. Huge. How did she get on my list?! Well, here's how it happened. Reicheru was originally a super adorable black haired girl who wore yellow and white that no one knew about. That bank was from 2012. After I made my spreadsheet and downloaded the bank, Reicheru's new design and banks dropped. And people loved it the way I love it. She does not belong on this blog in any shape, form, or fashion with her current status... But look at her! I just want to protect her and keep her safe!

Wiki Wednesday #131 - にんとね れいちぇる / Reicheru Nintone

Okay so, future Mae here.

How did this UTAU get on this spreadsheet?! I searched if this Chiquita qualified in 2018 or so. Well, one of her videos that disqualified her with multiple thousand views… was from seven years ago. Was there a sudden jump in interest? And, I don't even know if I downloaded her, because everything is an exe and I wouldn't download those! 

But, her voice provider was a sweetheart and answered immediately when I asked if they would be willing to upload as a zip or RAR. That behavior made me say, "This little chiquita is worth breaking the rules for."

Okay now back to past Mae!

I was just looking at the early entries on the list and seeing how many of them I was unsure about writing on at this very moment. Some had no information, one had no kanji name, and a few just stopped being. So when I saw Rachel here with no kanji in her name, I started looking for a way to contact the voice provider to ask if there was kanji until I saw her site. It is, by far, one of the prettiest UTAU distribution sites I've seen, and her name is stylized without kanji, fully on purpose. 

Then I really looked at her design…

Who is Nintone Reicheru?

Official Art from Site

Friday, September 3, 2021

Forgotten Friday #141 - v.g.mのヘイス / Heiss

 My grandmother just brought over food for us because it's Christmas Eve and Christmas is cancelled. It was chicken and gluten free dumplings for my mom. She brought nothing I could eat, but it's okay. We literally never told her anything she could make for me that was vegan because we were going to take care of that to make sure there were no mistakes. 

Forgotten Friday #141 - v.g.mのヘイス / Heiss

I thought I’d just address the fact that I am fully aware that chiquita isn’t the correct word to use in this context. It’s “Chica”. But then I see the little chica and she’s so cute and little, so she’s a chiquita!

It always made me feel happy inside when the manager of the room I rented added the “ita” to the end of my name. So, I guess I just think about how I felt when that happened, and the word reminds me of that time, and I feel happy. 

Learning time? Learning time. First tangent that goes nowhere: modern Filipino in general was heavily influenced by Spanish (as y’all know), but Filipino doesn’t have “c” and Spanish doesn’t have “k”. This does kind of go somewhere. In Spanish, “c” does double duty. It covers hard “k” and soft “s” at the same time. When the “c” is “s” or “k” is entirely context dependent. “ci” will always be soft. “Ca” will always be hard. So, how do you say “ki” if there’s no “k” and “c” doesn’t work that way?! “Qu”. Que for “ke” because “ce” is “theh”. Qui for “ki” because “c” is “the” (if you’re in Spain, at least.)

Who is Heiss?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #130 - リャパミュパ / Lja pamju pa

 Well, I realized after writing this that this UTAU was a "fictional language" UTAU, or, as many may say, a joke UTAU. I was like, well, uh, I guess I won't write an article? But I'm also like, I dunno. Let's see how usable it is. 

Wiki Wednesday #130 - リャパミュパ / Lja pamju pa

I am so confused right now. This UTAU says it's a fictional language. I kind of thought. Oh. Esperanto. But no. The name is gibberish in Esperanto. I listened to a sample and… it just sounded like Japanese? Garbled and I didn't just… I had no idea what was going on. The voice is absolutely adorable, and if it's some garbled mess that doesn't have the required samples, I'll be annoyed. But I think, and this is my guess, all the samples are recorded as something else, so what comes out is a fictional language… I guess? I'm really not solid on this at all.

Who is Lja pamju pa?

official icon from site