Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Forgotten Friday #184 - 糸國紫乃 / Itoguni Sino

 the name logically should be Shino, but the name of the icon is Sino, so I'm rolling with that.

Forgotten Friday #184 - 糸國紫乃 / Itoguni Sino

Sino is a medical student. She is a twenty year old woman. She likes food and hates trouble. Her design is really pretty to me.

Who is Shino Itoguni?

Official art from Bank 

Belle just got her first dose of antipsychotics! How will she be feeling?! Find out on this week's Beauty and the Puppy!

Belle slowly propped herself up on her elbows as she looked around her room. Afternoon sunlight was filtering through the edges of her windows that her blackout curtains didn't cover. She sat up with a groan. 

She didn't know how she got to her room exactly. Nor did she actually know what day it was. Or…. Why did she feel strange? She stared at the mahogany wood panel wall across from her when she noticed something blue out of the corner of her eye. She gasped as she looked over and saw Jonah curled into a ball in a recliner that was meant to live downstairs. 

She closed her eyes tightly. She did have flashes of memories. She was in a restaurant, then a bright and silver place, and then home. She vaguely remembered someone brushing her teeth. When she thought about it, someone had brushed her teeth at least four times. Had she been out for two days straight?! She looked down at her pajamas. She was still wearing an underwire that was digging into her ribs. At least whoever changed her into pajamas cared about her modesty. 

"Hey," Belle croaked out.

Jonah stirred and unfurled himself so that he was sitting up. "Hey!"

Belle looked around her room. Something felt off. She couldn't describe it at all. She looked back at Jonah and asked, "What happened?"

"Please don't be mad…" Jonah held up his hands, "I told the nurse to give you the antipsychotic shot."

"Oh," Belle slowly nodded. "That's good."

"Good?!" Jonah laughed in disbelief. "I was so terrified you would hate me!"

Belle let out a small laugh. Jonah was still wearing the outfit he wore on their date, though the vest was gone and everything was wrinkled. She slowly shook her head. "No…" She sighed. "I think it's okay now to be tired. I have all of the work done for my senior year already. I'm not planning on college. I'm just planning on sleeping forever." She flopped back onto her bed before hugging a pillow close to her. "Not dead, just sleep."

At least, that's what she thought she had said. Instead, she had let out a series of groans, mmmphs, and grunts before laying back down and hugging her pillow.

(Editor's note: from here on if science fiction and not how real medicine works. Maybe it will work like this in the future. It would be really dope if it did, though.)

Jonah stood before nervously walking towards her bed. He sat next to her and started petting her head. Blaine had run him through everything he had been through with all of his daughters, but he told him that the only constant was that no one reacted the same way. He had explained that in the past, medication was very tricky with fancy words like titration. But now, a single shot contained biodegradable nanobots that targeted the problem areas and released the medicine in the most targeted manner possible.

Jonah asked what if there was a mistake. The antidepressants did the wrong thing! The explanation was simple - her brain was just different and somehow encouraged the nanobots to be more active than they were meant to be. Recalling the nanobots was possible with more nanobots, but Belle was having too good of a time to let anyone know that there was a problem until the entire load of medication was dropped. All they could do was give her the old fashioned pills and liquids to sedate her at that point. 

Maybe coffee could help… but she was a little too out of sorts for that. 

Will Belle go back to her bubbly self?! Probably not within the next installment, but come back next week for the next installment of Beauty and the Puppy!

How is Itoguni Shino's bank?

Shino has a one pitch vcv bank. She seems to have no end breaths. The otos are not very good. Her voice is very nice and rather high pitch. It is a bit fuzzy and a little muffled. 

I did not expect to love this bank as much as I ended up loving it. Just listen to the sample!

Where can I download Sino Itoguni?

You can find her on her official site. I love her.

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