Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 15, 2022

Forgotten Friday #186 - 卯音シシ / Une Shishi

 the name is Romanized as Sisi in places by the voice provider, so it could be Une Sisi / Sisi Une.

Forgotten Friday #186 - 卯音シシ / Une Shishi

Une Shishi is a dude. He's 20, but when he was a teen he was... Thrown in a trash can and left there? 

Who is Shishi Une?

Art from site

Belle tried to give Jonah true love's first kiss, and it didn't work! What will she do now?!

Jonah was always at Belle's house now, but he barely saw her. She had told him, "Your face makes me happy, but I'm going to be in my room doing other things that make me happy alone." So, Jonah happily spent his free time working around the house for Blaine.

"I'm dipping," Bella flatly announced as she brushed past Jonah as he was replacing a lightbulb. 

Jonah glanced back at her. "Is it safe? Do you need a ride?"

Belle shrugged and she grabbed her backpack off of a hat rack.

Jonah hadn't seen her move so quickly since before she fell into depression. He wasn't going to try and speculate. He was instead going to do his best to trust her. It was a little difficult because she refused to wear her old GPS tracker anymore. Belle could sense his worry, so she turned once she got to the door and stated, "I'm staying in city limits." She waited for Jonah's sigh of relief before leaving.

Belle hadn't told anyone, but the magic of the internet allowed her to track down the witch that had cursed Jonah. They spoke briefly to set a meeting, but Belle insisted they save the questions for when they were face to face.

Luckily, the witch understood the fact that Belle was a bit too sluggish to handle getting off of her stops in time on public transit and met her at a cafe that was within walking distance of her house.

When Belle saw the witch, she tried to run towards her, but had to stop at soon as she felt her heart beating out of her chest. She doubled over as she heavily breathed. The witch stood from her table and made her way over to Belle. She reached to help Belle stand, but Belle loudly hissed at her as she stood for herself. 

The witch stepped back, her eyes wide. Belle pretended to make eye contact with her, staring at her nose.

She was somehow exactly what you'd think a witch would be and also nothing like you'd expect a witch to be. She had alarmingly pale skin and a sunshade perched on her shoulder. She had dramatic black eyes and long emerald hair that framed her long face. Her nose had a high bridge, but it wasn't at all witchy. Her nose was just really pretty

Her clothes were more witchy. She was wearing some kind of get up in deep jewel tones that looked like it belonged at a historical reenactment. Belle took a deep breath before sitting down on the sidewalk. The witch quietly sat down next to her.

Belle stared off into the distance before asking, "Why didn't it work? I kissed him on the nose. How do you want me to kiss him?!"

The witch looked up at the sky and sighed. "I was a young witch at the time, and I had a bad habit of lying about details. First, and most importantly, there is no deadline. It could happen now or fifty years from now. So, don't hold back thinking that in five years you can give it your all, because he will turn back into a human."

Belle froze. Of course, she was still a furry when she was depressed. Jonah's face and fur made her happy. The idea of never seeing it again?

"And, it's not true love's kiss," the witch sighed. "It could be true love's hug or true love's handshake. It is simply you having true and pure love and making physical contact."

Belle crossed her arms over her knees and groaned. She asked, sightly muffled, "I can't even touch him?"

"Well," the witch sighed. "My specific discipline is empathy magic. Mother Earth is the best psychic of all. She can look into the future and see if you will ever regret your choice beyond two AM 'what if's." The witch looked to Belle. "If you do not truly wish for him to be human… if Mother Earth sees that you will regret him becoming human… he will forever be a beast."

Belle threw back her head and let out a loud laugh. She looked back at the witch, this time staring at her forehead. "You make me sound evil. Trapping him into being a beast."

Is Belle a monster for keeping Jonah a monster?! No, but tune in next time for Beauty and the Puppy!

How is Une Shishi's bank?

The bank is a one pitch vcv. It is an adult male voice, but it doesn't sound old. The otos could use work. It's a nice bank.


Where can I download Shishi Une?

Website is the place.

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