Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #175 - Kanomwan's 4L1C3

 while I am fully aware of how silly it is to phrase it this way... I am protesting the UTAU Wikidot. Okay, it's really silly to phase it that way because Wikidot has been hacked. I couldn't use it if I wanted, so for a bit, wiki Wednesday will be pulling from the Fandom / old Wikia!

Wiki Wednesday #175 - Kanomwan's 4L1C3

I'm using a touch keyboard, so outside of headings, the name will be Alice. Alice is an alien robot who likes friends and dislike dogs. Alice appears to be around twelve years old. Apparently, the voice provider is from Thailand.

Who is 4L1C3?

Official art from wiki

"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

I was on my first personal vacation to a non-Union planet, and it was not very good. I tapped on the bell at the information desk a few times before giving up and seeing what brochures they had. Even in a digital age, they were legally required to have paper brochures in English, the local language, and the language of the most common tourist groups.

I tracked down the plastic rack that was meant to hold the brochures, but instead there was just a faded piece of paper with a code to scan with "please place back" scrawled under it. I gave up.

I went back to my room and flopped down onto the bed. It was nice and clean, so I didn't see a real reason to complain. If I wanted a good vacation, I would have taken more than five minutes to pick the place.

It was silent. With all of the nature, I would expect there to be an orchestra of bugs and birds. Instead, silence. That was perfectly fine with me. It was never silent on ships. Even if the walls weren't shockingly thin, all of those life support systems have to make noise.

I had one of the best nights of sleep of my life. I woke up rested and feeling happy, so I decided to try to salvage the day. I started by trying to find a translator app. The Union still hasn't released an official translator for my native language. You can get them and run them on our phones, but phones strong enough to run the programs are expensive. 

The best I could find to use the local language was an Academic to English translator. Apparently, just like Aaiiu, there is a formal language and an informal language. Academic was specifically created for use in radio and lecture halls that had no way of magnifying the speaker's signing. Academic used features that were extremely difficult to replicate to be able to completely replace the visual element.

All I had to do was tap a button and hold it up to someone. My phone would ask them in Academic if they spoke Academic. If they did, my phone would translate without any issues according to the reviews.

I went back to the cafe, accosting everyone in my path. Apparently, speaking Academic is rare.

The same server as before popped up beside me nearly as soon as I sat down. She leaned over and tapped on my phone screen before whistling a bit. My phone lighted up and announced, "Pretty rare, huh?"

I was smiling like a maniac when I looked up at her. She whistled again, which my phone translated as laughter. She shrugged and told me that she could take a break.

I sat across from her. She had me turn off the English to Academic translation. She was fluent in English aside from being unable to speak it.

I was enthralled watching her speak. The planet wasn't the desolate wasteland that it seemed to be from the hotel. There were towering cities with bustling life. Those cities, however, did not want tourists.

She was educated. She had the highest degree possible in English literature. Her and her friends banded together to get the hotel started so that they could save up enough to get the surgeries to finally speak the language they studied.

She was shocked when I explained the story of my surgery.

How is 4L1C3's bank?

Alice has a one pitch CVVC bank. The OTOs could use some work, but then I would have to switch my on screen keyboard to have access  CTRL, and I'm not feeling that.

The voice is perfect androgynous. The quality helps conjure the idea of a Young robot alien.

Where can I download 4L1C3?

You can Alice from the Fandom page. This is a pretty cool utau! I didn't expect that this utau would be like this with a name like Alice.

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