This week is the beginning of trying something new. I'm not getting paid for the investigations, and I don't expect anyone to offer to pay me for them. For that reason, it's probably a good idea to just give up that idea entirely and fold the UTAUs that qualified for investigations into Forgotten Friday and Wiki Wednesday, as I am doing here.
Wiki Wednesday #29 - Mal-Cat's Mirage Seeley
For those who hate hearing addiction used in a context other than clinical addiction, I have a compulsion to download UTAUs. I only have 138 GB of space left on my hard drive, and the majority of the things taking up space are actually UTAUs. Over the course of two days, I literally downloaded ten gigabytes of UTAUs. This is a problem.
So, I'm going to be cranking these articles out at a fast pace to clean up my hard drive.
Another thing I'm going to do is fold in everything I was holding onto for Investigations into my regular articles. However, I totally see how it would be extremely annoying for someone who doesn't care about a series to be stuck reading about it for an entire month. I thought of that and thought of a solution - scheduling. I won't just do an entire series for two months straight - that would be boring. Instead, I'll schedule them out with other UTAUs between them.
I hope that is a likable compromise to everyone.
Now, I will start this by saying I have no relation to Mal-Cat. I haven't even listened to their UTAUs yet. Why would I choose their UTAUs as my first series since axing Investigations? Well, because seeing Cream Soda and all their other UTAUs, I just broke and said, "I have no reason to save things for money that will never come in." And I downloaded them all! It really helps, though, that all of the links are nice and tidy with only one bank per UTAU for the most part. Mal-cat made this easy on me without ever knowing I existed. So, thanks Mal-cat!
Who is Mirage Seeley?