Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #29 - Mal-Cat's Mirage Seeley

This week is the beginning of trying something new. I'm not getting paid for the investigations, and I don't expect anyone to offer to pay me for them. For that reason, it's probably a good idea to just give up that idea entirely and fold the UTAUs that qualified for investigations into Forgotten Friday and Wiki Wednesday, as I am doing here.

Wiki Wednesday #29 - Mal-Cat's Mirage Seeley

For those who hate hearing addiction used in a context other than clinical addiction, I have a compulsion to download UTAUs. I only have 138 GB of space left on my hard drive, and the majority of the things taking up space are actually UTAUs. Over the course of two days, I literally downloaded ten gigabytes of UTAUs. This is a problem.

So, I'm going to be cranking these articles out at a fast pace to clean up my hard drive.

Another thing I'm going to do is fold in everything I was holding onto for Investigations into my regular articles. However, I totally see how it would be extremely annoying for someone who doesn't care about a series to be stuck reading about it for an entire month. I thought of that and thought of a solution - scheduling. I won't just do an entire series for two months straight - that would be boring. Instead, I'll schedule them out with other UTAUs between them.

I hope that is a likable compromise to everyone.

Now, I will start this by saying I have no relation to Mal-Cat. I haven't even listened to their UTAUs yet. Why would I choose their UTAUs as my first series since axing Investigations? Well, because seeing Cream Soda and all their other UTAUs, I just broke and said, "I have no reason to save things for money that will never come in." And I downloaded them all! It really helps, though, that all of the links are nice and tidy with only one bank per UTAU for the most part. Mal-cat made this easy on me without ever knowing I existed. So, thanks Mal-cat!

Who is Mirage Seeley?

Official art by Mal-cat taken from Soundcloud release track
Mirage Seely was previously Meiji Galaxy. There is, like, almost no information on Mirage Seeley floating around, but there is a bit of information on Meiji Galaxy. I assume they're the same person, kind of, so I think the information still applies. He is very smol at 4'8'' and is only twelve years old. He's also Australian! All pitchbends are forbidden.

I'm not sure how much there is to say, especially since I don't have confirmation they're still the same character.

How is his bank?

Hey, I bet you can guess what I'm going to say. I always say it. I say it doesn't matter. Anyone can fix it.

But the OTOs are kind of wonky. 

Now, I'm actually kind of shook. This actually sounds like a twelve year old boy. That's actually pretty rare in this fandom, for someone to record a pretty good bank that actually sounds like a young boy. The bank isn't perfect, and you won't hear it at its absolute best as I'm not fixing the OTOs. But wow. This literally wasn't what I was expecting. I wasn't expecting it to be so good. 

Where can I download Mirage Seeley?

You can download him on his UTAU Release deviation. Wow, someone who didn't grow up on deviantArt probably would be confused by calling a page a deviation. Mirage actually isn't really counted as one of Mal-cat's official UTAUs from what I've seen, but he isn't put in the corner either. So, if you like this voice and design, go for it! Just remember, the kid is twelve. Do not do anything that is illegal.

That's all for this Wednesday!

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