Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Forgotten Friday #41 - 凱歌ニケ / Gaika Nike

I "officially" list the year I quit UTAU as 2013. I did produce a tiny bit of content in 2014, but not enough to genuinely be "an UTAU user" in any serious capacity. Regardless of my weekly UTAU related content on my YouTube channel and this blog, I still don't consider myself an UTAU user. I probably should, but I don't really feel like a part of the fandom anymore. But, all of that was just to determine "when I quit the fandom" and why I still feel like I'm still done quit.

Forgotten Friday #41 - 凱歌ニケ / Gaika Nike

What is better than finding an UTAU you used to like but had forgotten about? Finding out that an UTAU that you had like but had forgotten about had a two pitch VCV released after you quit! 

Nike's creator is named 渦彦. I was not able to Nancy Drew their gender, so they are they. Nike is also they as Nike is non-binary. In this article, I will pretend that Nike just popped into existence without the help of any humans so that they only applies to one subject at this time.

Who is Nike Gaika?

Nike's Previous Design,
Packaged with Banks Released before 2015
So, first off, her name is Nike, not Naiki. As a lazy American, you bet your behind I call them Naiki in my head.

Nike has no age, no set height, and really loves soybeans. There's not much to the character, so let's move on to banks.

How are their banks?

So, Nike has three banks: the original 2009 one pitch CV, a 2010 one pitch rentan, and a two pitch VCV released in 2015. Nike's 2009 CV and 2010 rentan sound similar to the point of it being a little silly to fire off renders for both. 

To begin, the VCV is dope. I really like it. As opposed to using pitch names, the bank uses "normal" and "power". However, power uses ↑ as its suffix, and normal has no suffix. The samples are very well recorded, and it's really overall just a really good bank if you like that strong, forceful tomboy sound.

Their rentan on the other hand is actually more forceful. The rentan bank can be used as CVVC, actually! I added OTO entries and edited the UST to CVVC for the first line before realizing that I was spending too much time on this. (It figures, que no? I refuse to use CVVC when the bank is made for CVVC, but then I add CVVC to a rentan bank only meant to be used for CV.)

Where can I download Nike Gaika?

All of the links to Nike's banks are on Nike's distribution page

There are modern UTAUs that do pull off what Nike does a bit better, but there's always room for UTAUs with similar voice types to work together and not against each other. I do hope that Nike gets a revival in popularity given how dang nice their 2015 VCV bank is.

That's all for this week! Check in next week when I look at another UTAU!

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