Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Forgotten Friday #44 - 骨津アロン / Honedzu Aaron

So, thanks to my switch to Google Drive, I am now able to confidently say that I can run this blog for nine years without issue. According to a nightmare scenario of only ten percent of UTAUs on Ruto dot Yu qualifying for Forgotten Friday, I have enough content for nine years. At that point, any UTAU that has been released or will be released this year will be old enough to qualify if they fall off the map shortly. As far as Wiki Wednesday, it would take a complete 180 in how the fandom views releasing voicebanks for me to run out of content. There has been a lot of change since 2013 that worries me a tiny bit, but I don't think it's enough of a problem to worry about. One year is only 52 articles per series.

Forgotten Friday #44 - 骨津アロン / Honedzu Aaron

This is another article that I wouldn't write before my decision to just give up hopes on investigations. This UTAU is actually the sidekick to another UTAU that I will write about in the future. But, I'm just a mess and playing with seven banks is a little off the table. So, I'm going to write about this one pitch CV footnote!

Who is Aaron Honedzu?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank
Biblical figure Bone Harbor is a man. That's it. I haven't found any explanation on anything. Maybe if I downloaded  his voice provider's other UTAU, Nora, I'd get an answer. But, I checked his page on the Visual Archive and it was just a few lines of how Nora is good-natured and has bad reflexes. Nothing about the massive horns. (Also, I was 100% Certain that Nora was a girl, but the Visual Archive lists Nora as a boy until you scroll down and see that Nora also has an official genderbend also named Nora. No idea what's up with that.)

In this fandom, sometimes you just accept that you'll never get answers.

As a note, I'm romanizing Aron as Aaron just because it's fun to break the rules sometimes. "Aron" is the Japanese spelling of the Biblical name "Aaron". His voice provider probably ... oh. Aron is Nora spelled backwards. It's meant to be spelled Aron.

Still, having fun being a rebel and breaking the rules!

How is Honedzu Aaron's bank?

One pitch CV! Yay! After writing the Trem article, I was excited for something that was easy. The worst thing that could happen is me falling in love with the bank and having fun perfecting the OTOs. Or, I could just press render and pray it's okay! I've been juggling a lot and need these fun breaks.

While I won't use them, Aaron does have end breaths. His OTOs are decent enough that I feel no need to touch them. 

There's a bit of noise, but I love this bank. The tone is perfect and the samples are recorded so insanely consistently... This is a really great one pitch CV.

Where can I download Aaron Honedzu?

You can download Aaron straight from his distribution page

I know there's a market for easy to use, extremely well recorded CV banks with attractive male designs. I think that in the right hands, this UTAU could get really, really popular. But, who knows? Either way, this is a great bank to have in your arsenal. 

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