Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wiki Wednesday #30 - 滝口っぽいど / Takiguchippoido

I didn't want to include this UTAU because I find the design... just not aesthetic. But listening to the demo made me say, gosh darn it, I have to write about this guy!

Wiki Wednesday #30 - 滝口っぽいど / Takiguchippoido

Hi! I can't stand UAR files! I never install voices into UTAU. Literally. Never. Years ago, I would load UTAUs in my UTAU folder (not in Program Files) into the dropdown for easy access, but I didn't put them in Program Files.

Here's a tip, though. They open just fine in 7-Zip. I can't stand 7-Zip either, but I prefer that to taking a voyage to my Program Files. I'm deleting this UTAU after I use it, and even if I wasn't, putting the bank in a place that requires admin privileges to modify means that every change to the OTO gets eaten!! I won't tell you not to make UARs. The icon is really pretty! But if you're like me, just download 7-Zip. Ignore the install file and drag the voicebank into your voicebank folder.

Anyway, on to the article!

Who is Takiguchippoido?

Official Art Packaged with Bank
I am writing his name as Takiguchi.

This is apparently a joke character, and it is someone imitating a famous person's voice. I want to believe it is this guy being imitated. All inappropriate material is forbidden when using this UTAU. My best guess as to who made him is this guy, but I don't care enough to confirm or deny that.

Pretty much all there is to say.

How is his bank?

His bank is CVVC with end breaths and VV samples. 

In the sample, the first phrase has CVVC added, but I realized that I was spending too much time on this article and stopped that. So, basically, I wanted to call out Baby Mae. Look, little Mae! This is one of those voice banks you would have loved! I know adult Mae is apathetic towards this voice type, but you sure weren't! This was made in 2015, though. You had grown up by then and quit UTAU. But teen Mae turned into adult Mae and here I am, kind of making the readers uncomfortable. 

I unironically adored Nakamiya Grandpa. This bank isn't as great as Grandpa, but it's still one of the voice types I adored. (I mean, most UTAUs pale in comparison to Grandpa. It's not their fault he's so cool.) 

Where can I download Takiguchippoido?

As always, you can download his bank on the UTAU Wiki. Weirdly, both the UTAU Wiki and the UTAU Visual Archive incorrectly state that he has a VCV bank when it is CVVC. No big deal. I edited the UTAU Wiki page to reflect the fact that he isn't VCV. I wouldn't have done it, but I already had an account from when I set up the page that listed all UTAUs by date of page creation. 

You know from just the design if you'll like this voicebank or not. If you like these UTAUs, this is a really great example. If you don't like this voice type, this is one of the worst of this entire subspecies of UTAUs. Hopefully, though, someone who likes these types of banks will see this and add this guy to their collection. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, uh i guess I'm posting this comment here because I've finally worked up the nerve to do so. I'm a very big fan of your blog and i always look forward to reading your posts. Please keep up the good work!

    I knew of you back in your infamous days and in my eyes you've absolutely redeemed yourself. There was a lot of bad coverage about you back then but reading your articles now you come off as really chill.

    You don't seem to be into the weird shitty demeanor that i see a lot of popular users fall into over time. You're just doing your own thing and I really respect that.
