Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #82 - 頭音タマキ / Kashirane Tamaki

3/2. I accidentally crashed my computer really badly. I went to search an UTAU's name in my download folder... And I accidentally pasted nearly an entire article that I had copied to paste into the word counter. It was stressful, because even logging out took forever. Thankfully, it looks to be doing fine after shutting it down and giving it a few minutes to cool off. 

Wiki Wednesday #82 - 頭音タマキ / Kashirane Tamaki

You may have noticed that all of the recent articles had just one or two banks. Well... That changes right now. Why? Because I really need to be getting the UTAUs that take like three gigabytes of space zipped off of my computer. 

I actually have to ignore half of this UTAU's banks because there are so many. I simply ignored the old banks, because they're outdated anyway. If the manager wanted us to use them, they'd be on the same page... right?

Who is Tamaki Kashirane?

Official Icon from Website

Friday, September 25, 2020

Forgotten Friday #92 - 亜音レグロ / Aon Reguro

There's a part of me that thinks I should go "lazy vegan." I ate much more meat than I am used to recently, and my stomach is mad at me. I'm allergic to cheese and eggs, and I seem to be intolerant to meat. I wouldn't give up honey or baked goods made with things that I'm allergic to on their own. That's why it's lazy. There are people who think that's great, because reducing your meat consumption helps the environment and saves the lives of animals. If anyone knows a better term for someone who just kind of avoids animal products but will knowingly eat a cake made light with meringue, please tell me. (If the oceans weren't laced with plastics, mercury, and declining fish populations, I would be a pescetarian so fast your brain would explode. But tuna is a rarely allowed snack, and not even the rivers and lakes are fully safe to fish from here.)

Forgotten Friday #92 - 亜音レグロ / Aon Reguro

I like that name. Aon. As an American, I read is as Aeon. That's not how it's meant to be read, but I'm most likely never going to say this UTAU's name out loud, nor will I say aeon out loud, so this is the only proof you have of me making this strange series of mistakes.

This is another UTAU that has virtually no information. There is information and character art, but that's only because the UTAU Visual Archive compiled it. There is no character information, or even art, in the bank itself. That's not fun at all! But I do have some information and also character art, so I can do this article without making up things.

Who is Reguro Aon?

Movie Capture by UTAU Visual Archive

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #81 - 兎角トマレ / Tokaku Tomare

2/2! The daily exhaustion is real. It gets so bad that even sitting up feels painful because it just... is so much work to even sit up. I did eat a snack cake and I got better after probably thirty minutes. But it was so uncomfortable. I didn't go back to sleep, but that was more so just because I wouldn't lay down and let myself sleep. I never can take naps the majority of the time... but now I can for some reason. I'm just so tired haha

Wiki Wednesday #81 - 兎角トマレ / Tokaku Tomare

I am praying, praying that there is no reason to cancel this UTAU. It is so adorable and I adore it, and I will be really sad if there's a reason to not like it. Only one way to find out.

Who is Tomare Tokaku?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

Monday, September 21, 2020

Downloading from Axfc In The Year of Our Lord 2020

 Well, I'm glad I can make this article, but I'm sad that I have to.

Downloading from Axfc In The Year of Our Lord 2020

This advice may stop working tomorrow, and it might stop working next year. It may hold well for a few years.

Of all the websites that we say "the company is killing it", "they hate their users", and so on in America... None of them are as infuriating as Axfc. 

I don't know if it's a Japanese thing, or if even Japanese people can't stand this. But, with the help of nmasao and a few blog posts, I figured out how to make it work right at this minute. 

All the steps and so forth are under the "read more". 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Forgotten Friday #91 - 病音ゼン / Zen Yamaine

I had been going on with Wiki Wednesday so far out, that I had not realized I skipped a week. To skip a week would throw off the alignment with Forgotten Friday articles. So, I said, "oh no." I then fixed the dates. Unfortunately, articles that say things like "First issue of 2021!" will be incorrect. I could fix that, but I must put ducks in a line before I criticize the line. And yes, I am so deeply tired at this moment. 

Forgotten Friday #91 - 病音ゼン / Zen Yamaine

Good news! This UTAU has several banks! (yay!) Bad news. Only one can be found. (no...) As opposed to linking to the banks in the videos, the creator of the banks, JoouChiyanmon, explicitly only posted links to the UTAU Fandom page. And the UTAU Fandom page only has the Act 1. This is sad, as I can tell the Act 2 was very loved, with updates to it as in 2+. I wish I could find it, but that's life I guess. There are many UTAU fish in the UTAU lake.

It's unwise to look everywhere for things that were not meant to be shared... Though I did.

Who is Yamaine Zen?

official icon from bank

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #80 - 桃李モン / Toori Mon

1/2. Whoo-hoo! I finally rolled a low number! Yesterday, I rolled extremely poorly and couldn't keep up. Today, I should be able to catch up... And I will show that computer dice who goes nyoom nyoom!

Wiki Wednesday #80 -  桃李モン / Toori Mon

Let me start by saying that I need to make an effort to write the articles almost immediately after downloading. Banks just sitting around don't make the issue - voice providers releasing new ones is the issue! I have to wait for a specific time to download the new banks, which means that UTAU, once again, doesn't get looked at. There was even one in my spreadsheet that I apparently never even downloaded one bank for. What's up with that?

This is another collective UTAU. By which I mean, this UTAU belongs to 森のほとり. However, she is so important, she gets her very own spot in the header that sits atop every page. Good for her! 

So anyway, here we go.

Who is Mon Toori?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

Friday, September 11, 2020

Forgotten Friday #90 - 黒い音ミツコ / Mitsuko Kuroine

It's unfortunate when someone falls on 9/11 when you don't mean for it to. This is being written in June. I'm not sure how reverent I'm supposed to be? I feel like I should be reverent. But, I'm just going to pretend that this article doesn't come out on that day. It has to for bookkeeping purposes, but ya know.

Forgotten Friday #90 - 黒い音ミツコ / Mitsuko Kuroine

I feel like I should recognize this UTAU, but I don't. She was updated until late 2011 and started off in 2010. 

So, uh... I guess let's go?

Who is Kuroine Mitsuko?

Official Art From Bank

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #79 - kasiranelibrary's エリオ / Erio

3/5. I got so annoyed this morning when I rolled the dice. Five again?! I honestly thought about switching to a d3 die instead of a d6 die, because that's silly! That's one below the maximum two days in a row! And I rolled it twice each time and... Maybe, just maybe, Google has a wonky thing set up with their dice and stuff. Trying to make DnD players like it more? Or should I find a physical dice? Maybe in the future if this idea continues.

Wiki Wednesday #79 - kasiranelibrary's エリオ / Erio

Well, this is a strange backstory. I mean, I do kind of have to vamp for a bit because of the fact that the backstory does not go in this section. Oh my goodness, I am simultaneously so burning up and so freezing. I'm sick. My mental state can guard me from illness, but the moment it is gone, it is bye-bye feeling well. My throat is icky, my head is icky, my skin feels two extremes and neither is nice. If I turn off the heater, I become cold and sweaty. I leave the heater on... and I still feel chilled. This is no fun at all. I am writing this during Spring. As a child, I truly loved Spring. I loved just laying in the grass and braiding clovers.

But now? I spend nearly the entire time sick. Don't worry - it's not the virus. Just the same allergies I've lived with for years. I can't even say that it was better in Los Angeles, because when I was really sad, I got really sick. Never with a fever or vomiting, so some may take objection to label my severe seasonal allergies as a sickness. But I feel sick. Unwell and shaking. Why am I taking the time to do this in sickness? Because it makes me feel good to be uncomfortable doing something as opposed to being uncomfortable doing nothing. 

Who is Erio?

Official Icon from Site

Friday, September 4, 2020

Forgotten Friday #89 - 草音フキ / Fuki Kusane

If y'all wouldn't mind, would you post your favorite song from your mother language in the comments? I want to start making lists and videos with languages I am not familiar with, but I have no idea where to start looking for songs and such! You can also post your favorite songs from other languages, also if you like! For example, "Kahit Maputi Na Ang Buhok Ko" is in Tagalog, but it's one of my favorite songs ever. 

Forgotten Friday #89 - 草音フキ / Fuki Kusane

So, I almost lost my dang mind over something silly. (I'm exaggerating!) This UTAU has one available bank, and it was made in 2012. Now, how in the heck you're going to tell me that this bank hasn't appeared on YouTube once, even after it was released?! The last video was from seven years ago!

But then I stopped and realized something. "2020 - 2012 = 8". Oh. I... Wow. That's insane. Once you get to adult age, years all mash together and you get shocked when like three years ago is actually eight years ago. Dang... I mean, seeing that 2010 was ten years ago doesn't bug me. But 2012 being eight years ago?! It's simple math, but it feels wrong. 

Who is Kusane Fuki?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #78 - 秋葵ネリ / Okura Neri

2/5. Please don't make jokes about when September ends to the man who makes the lead vocals for the band Green Day, because it is a sad song written about a sad thing that makes him sad. If no one said anything about the first day of October, he would be very happy. Many people still say those things. It's not very nice, but people are human beings and I think he is resigned. That's not very fun and happy, which people assumed their jokes would be.

Wiki Wednesday #78 - 秋葵ネリ / Okura Neri

Okra!! This UTAU is based off of okra! So, my family actually did very poorly at introducing me to Southern foods. One side of the family was very prepackaged meals and canned food, and the other loved things like spaghetti and enchiladas. I've never eaten homemade fried chicken. However, there were Southern things that got slid in like fried okra. I love love love fried okra. The slime-y and the squishy and the seeds that go pop! pop!

Once I was having dinner with someone and they started saying that they knew a way too cook okra so that it wasn't slimy, and it took all of me to not tell them to shut their dumb mouth... the slime is the best part!! (If you dislike the slime, your mouth is not dumb. That person in particular said it as if hating the slime was a universal condition, when it is not.)

Who is Neri Okura?

Official Icon from Site