Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #81 - 兎角トマレ / Tokaku Tomare

2/2! The daily exhaustion is real. It gets so bad that even sitting up feels painful because it just... is so much work to even sit up. I did eat a snack cake and I got better after probably thirty minutes. But it was so uncomfortable. I didn't go back to sleep, but that was more so just because I wouldn't lay down and let myself sleep. I never can take naps the majority of the time... but now I can for some reason. I'm just so tired haha

Wiki Wednesday #81 - 兎角トマレ / Tokaku Tomare

I am praying, praying that there is no reason to cancel this UTAU. It is so adorable and I adore it, and I will be really sad if there's a reason to not like it. Only one way to find out.

Who is Tomare Tokaku?

Official Art Packaged with Bank

She is an android! Well, technically she is a gynoid. Androids are male in appearance technically. My understanding is that she is specifically made to be looked after like a pet, and that is why she is so adorable she makes you want to puke.

Her model number is AT1060. She is trained mainly through AI, but her name and personality can easily be changed. What does that mean? Tomare isn't one character. She is an army of robots. So, when you use her, you are completely capable of making her anything you want her to be without offending canon. Which is a silly thing to say - do vocal synths even have canon? But, you are completely capable of using several versions of her in one song, as she is just a specific type of robot. Too bad she only has two banks and no appends to make use of this concept!

People probably have noticed I don't really like robot vocal synths. Like, making Miku a robot is my least favorite characterization of Miku. However, this UTAU is different. Instead of just "she's a singing synth, so she's a robot", this is a character who is a robot divorced from being a singing synth. If the story can call for it in a way that makes sense, then it is good. 

I do still feel tired, though. I don't know if I can fix it beyond eating more. But, I worked so hard to lose ten pounds, and it will really hurt to gain them back. And, of course, there is the issue of just not being able to drive and no one delivering to my area. I just want some chicken nuggets right now. I really, really wish I had chicken nuggets. But, how would I get them? I can't. I'm stuck living a life with no chicken nuggets.

My favorite are still McDonalds, but it seems like they changed them since the 90s. I remember them being extremely bland. However, the last time I had them, they actually tasted spicy. They were nothing compared to spicy chicken nuggets from Wendy's, though. Everyone hyped them, so I tried them and wow. They were too dang spicy! I did eat them all because I was really hungry... but dang. They were spicy. 

How are Tokaku Tomare's banks?

Tomare has two banks: one CV and one VCV. Both are only one pitch. 

Her CV bank is a trip. There are only five samples. That sounds like the bank would be completely unusable, but each sample is about one minute long. It is a rentan! Having samples so insanely long is really weird in terms of UTAU. It makes total sense, but it is still strange. If I did it, I wouldn't name the files so that you can actually see what's in there. When you do include what is inside, you get filenames like this: "_あ_い_う_え_お_か_き_く_け_こ_さ_し_す_せ_そ_た_ち_つ_て_と". 

Of course, she is adorable. 

Her VCV is seven mora for some reason. To be completely honest, the two banks do sound significantly different if you listen closely and are trying to find differences. I prefer the CV's voice better as it is more airy and feels less "forced". However, the VCV is more "fandom friendly" as the voice is very clear.

Where can I download Tomare Tokaku?

You can download her from her download page. She is cute and sweet and adorable!! I hope more people use her.

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