Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Forgotten Friday #90 - 黒い音ミツコ / Mitsuko Kuroine

It's unfortunate when someone falls on 9/11 when you don't mean for it to. This is being written in June. I'm not sure how reverent I'm supposed to be? I feel like I should be reverent. But, I'm just going to pretend that this article doesn't come out on that day. It has to for bookkeeping purposes, but ya know.

Forgotten Friday #90 - 黒い音ミツコ / Mitsuko Kuroine

I feel like I should recognize this UTAU, but I don't. She was updated until late 2011 and started off in 2010. 

So, uh... I guess let's go?

Who is Kuroine Mitsuko?

Official Art From Bank

So, this is the append design. It seems like every design for her in each bank was really different from the previous ones. The append art was the prettiest of them all and that's why I chose it. (also, it was the only full body one.)

Her intended design was a white skirt, high boots, and a brown vest. Her hair was brown and her eyes were green, and she was meant to be Japanese.

She is only fifteen, with a birthday of December 5th, 1996. She has a realistic BMI of 21.1, which is squarely in the middle of normal weight. Her character item is pudding. She loves talking, video games, anime, and watching movies. She hates mashed potatoes and silence.

To which I say, testify Mitsuko! Mashed potatoes have to be very specifically made in a certain way for me to handle them while warm. I can eat cold mashed potatoes for days, but warm mashed potatoes feel really wrong. I wonder if she has tinnitus that makes silence literally painful. I've learned a trick that I do when my ears start ringing so loud that it's painful. If your tinnitus is bad, try it out! The relief is really temporary, but you can just keep doing it. 

Mitsuko has yandere tendencies and loves being with friends. And of course, she loves singing.

How are Mitsuko Kuroine's banks?

Mitsuko has five banks. She has three main "acts": 1, 2.5, and 3. She has two appends: monochrome and chrome. 

Act 1 is a mess. UTAU is case sensitive, so even though the bank is romaji encoded, it cannot be used with a standard romaji UST. OTOs aren't that great, but I can tell that her creator, Scuro was having fun!

The accent is so adorable!! This bank is so cute and sweet.

Next is ACT 2.5. Don't know where two went! Same issue with file names. However, the OTOs are infinitely better. They're not perfect, but they're good enough that I don't need to fix them!

And oh my goodness. I thought the last bank was perfectly adorable... but listen to this!! 

Okay, so Act 2.5 will be a hard act to follow. Is Act 3 up for it?

Act 3 is the first of the banks to work with a standard romaji UST. The OTOs feel like a step back from act 2.5, sadly. I do have to fix these ones. I feel like it's the same with samples - some are better, and some are worse. It's really personal preference whether you would rather use 2.5 or 3. However, who is Rocket4??

Now, because I'm who I am, I'm going to turn the appends into a multipitch! Because, that's just who I am really. I've streamlined the process, too! All I need to do is open one of the banks in SetParam, append a suffix to the alias (if there were no existing aliases, you can tell it to make aliases from the filename!) Then I just open in UTAU, make a prefix map... Done!

... I think I broke UTAU and need to restart it. It suddenly didn't acknowledge aliases. Wait, it removed the... Why... okay. well... I redid that and got the aliases back!

So, this wasn't meant to be a multi-pitch. The reason it was bugging out was because the filepaths were too long. It literally wouldn't play sound because it refused to go looking for something so long. Renamed the folders and it worked! There are weird instances of things just not being aliased at all.

The appends are pretty good, and should probably be used separately.

Where can I download Kuroine Mitsuko?

You can download her from her UTAU Fandom page. She is a really good UTAU! I wish she had more love back in the day. 

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