Wiki Wednesday #78 - 秋葵ネリ / Okura Neri
Okra!! This UTAU is based off of okra! So, my family actually did very poorly at introducing me to Southern foods. One side of the family was very prepackaged meals and canned food, and the other loved things like spaghetti and enchiladas. I've never eaten homemade fried chicken. However, there were Southern things that got slid in like fried okra. I love love love fried okra. The slime-y and the squishy and the seeds that go pop! pop!
Once I was having dinner with someone and they started saying that they knew a way too cook okra so that it wasn't slimy, and it took all of me to not tell them to shut their dumb mouth... the slime is the best part!! (If you dislike the slime, your mouth is not dumb. That person in particular said it as if hating the slime was a universal condition, when it is not.)
Who is Neri Okura?
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Neri has no defined character information. Let's make it up, then!
In the undefined past, Neri was born in Japan. However, as a baby, he fell off of a cruise ship and floated on the ocean until he was found by a shrimp fishing boat off of the coast of Louisiana. He was adopted by a man who pretended to be a fancy pants magic person for gullible tourist money.
At a young age, Neri developed eye problems. He always had amber eyes that shone in the sunlight, but one eye had developed horrible cataracts. It was at a point in the undefined past where there was no safe way to remove the cataracts. However, he came in contact with a real magic woman who was able to fix his eye so that instead of a cloudy blue film, it was a stunning blue iris with a functioning pupil, like a reverse David Bowie. The two magic people came together and trained him in the way of magic. Fake magic to fool tourists, and real magic to do undefined magic things to fool tourists.
Once he became an adult, his parents set out to find him. His parents were very sad, and the magic people could see that. So they bonked! him on the head, and he forgot English and could only speak Japanese. His parents were happy to have him back, but sad that they lost all that time. So the magic people bonked! his parents on the head so that they had fabricated memories of a life well spent with Neri.
Neri forgot all of his life in America and went home to his parents where he met the Vegedols and he played theremin in their band. Oh... The Vegedols don't have a band? They aren't actually characters who interact with each other? He still plays theremin in their band because this is all made up.
How is Okura Neri's bank?
His bank is a one pitch VCV. It is very yell-y with an average pitch of G4. This is because if his voice was deep, it would scare tourists. This is the voice he used when he was advertising to tourists. He doesn't remember that, but it just feels natural to him while performing. His bandmates don't like it much, and that's why he's on theremin.
Where can I download Neri Okura?
You have to scroll down on the download page until you see his picture. The bank would be very difficult to make sound really good because the person recording it seemed to struggle a little. Consonants are eaten and fry is applied where fry makes synthesis awkward, though a different resampler may assist that situation.
And that American city where he lived? El Paso.
(hahaha, no, kidding. New Orleans, of course.)
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