Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Forgotten Friday #92 - 亜音レグロ / Aon Reguro

There's a part of me that thinks I should go "lazy vegan." I ate much more meat than I am used to recently, and my stomach is mad at me. I'm allergic to cheese and eggs, and I seem to be intolerant to meat. I wouldn't give up honey or baked goods made with things that I'm allergic to on their own. That's why it's lazy. There are people who think that's great, because reducing your meat consumption helps the environment and saves the lives of animals. If anyone knows a better term for someone who just kind of avoids animal products but will knowingly eat a cake made light with meringue, please tell me. (If the oceans weren't laced with plastics, mercury, and declining fish populations, I would be a pescetarian so fast your brain would explode. But tuna is a rarely allowed snack, and not even the rivers and lakes are fully safe to fish from here.)

Forgotten Friday #92 - 亜音レグロ / Aon Reguro

I like that name. Aon. As an American, I read is as Aeon. That's not how it's meant to be read, but I'm most likely never going to say this UTAU's name out loud, nor will I say aeon out loud, so this is the only proof you have of me making this strange series of mistakes.

This is another UTAU that has virtually no information. There is information and character art, but that's only because the UTAU Visual Archive compiled it. There is no character information, or even art, in the bank itself. That's not fun at all! But I do have some information and also character art, so I can do this article without making up things.

Who is Reguro Aon?

Movie Capture by UTAU Visual Archive

Random aside, since there's not much to say. Wow! The UTAU Visual Archive is such a huge help when it comes to writing these articles. However, it's extremely incomplete. Almost no overseas UTAUs end up on there. Though that is the case, it is also shocking how many completely unknown Japanese UTAUs show up on there. I don't think I'll ever be done with the UTAU Wiki. I accidentally slipped up and switched years halfway through, so I haven't even finished one year. But if I finish all of the years that apply for Wiki Wednesday, there will be new years to look at! But if I somehow did that, I think I would go through the visual archive to see what Japanese UTAUs were left off of the Wiki entirely. 

Reguro is a space alien. He was probably sent to Earth to study humans, but he kind of forgets his job and lives a happy life as a human. His appearance looks to be seventeen years old. He is always bright and happy. 

How is Aon Reguro's voicebank?

I have only found one voicebank for Reguro. It is a one pitch, hiragana encoded CV bank. And the voice is literally not what I expected. I was expecting something kind of booming, but instead it's like... young and high. The average pitch is A#3, and not something like F4, but it still wasn't what I expected.

And the samples are clipped. What that means, is that the sound data was so loud, some of it was deleted. This will give his voice a strange character.

Even when you lower the volume of the sample, there is still that straight line where data was cut off.
There is no way that I currently know of to get any of that data back, or make it seem as if the data wasn't lost
If you really like robotic UTAUs, then this is great for you. Otherwise, not so much.

The OTOs make me ask, "did they know what the lines do?" But bringing up OTOs when the samples are clipping sounds like... Priorities. If step one is done poorly, why even bring up step three?

It's a robotic voice, but it isn't consistently robotic in the way Chikune Kenta is. He sounds intentional even if that was not the intended outcome, but Aon just seems like not enough care was taken.

Where can I download Reguro Aon?

You can download him from the blog post with his download link on it. This bank sure was a trip! Nothing was as expected!

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