Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, March 19, 2021

Forgotten Friday #117 - 俺歌武納 / Orega Munou

 You know how I always say something or another about how Mus musculus and Homo sapiens have the same likelihood of plans falling apart? I... it's a doozy.

Forgotten Friday #117 - 俺歌武納 / Orega Munou

This is hyperbole: my phone exploded.

It didn't actually explode. I was just working on an article and then I heard a "pop". I saw the case was hanging off of it, so I tried to push the phone back into the case. Well... uh... The back of the phone had popped off. But, it was soaked in glue. So, as you can surmise, the glue leaked out enough so that the back of the phone was now glued to the case.

I had a very bad reaction to this whole ordeal, but my mom was able to pinch it shut and tape it down so that I had access to the charging port. I was able to dump everything from the phone to my desktop (Android for life), and now it's just hanging out on my desk. I'm afraid to move it because it's just a strip of packing tape holding it together.

I will get a new phone, but I... am not safe to leave the house right now.

So, if my phone isn't doing so well, how am I writing this? Well, as you can probably tell from my font, I'm writing this inside of blogger, on my laptop keyboard. Positively scandalous. 

Funny thing is just that my phone works perfectly well. It's just that it is held together with tape. This stuff never happens to iPhones, but like, the phone was inexpensive enough that it's no big deal to replace it. And, my iPhone refused to be backed up in iTunes and transferring photos from my phone to my PC may have made me cry in frustration a few times. 

Anyway, here's an article on an UTAU I had never heard of.

Who is Munou Orega?

official art from bank

Wow, dealing with the annoying read break is easier when you don't need to copy and paste anything.

Chiquito shared his nicopedia page with Kotodama. We all know Kotodama. But like, even after downloading this guy, I hadn't seen his face until now. I downloaded him in January of 2019. It is September of 2020. I have been an UTAU user since '09, and he was released in '09. I'm just shook that an UTAU related to one of the old and greats was just... Non-existent.

I had to Google his gender to make this joke. His gender is listed as "ksk". I googled it, and decided to make this joke: "his gender is German James Bond."

He is over six-thousand-and-five-hundred feet tall. His weight is one byte. (no. it's like ten megabytes. where is your head, guy who also made Kotodama?)

I love how just weird the translation that I'm looking at is. His special skill is Crunchy, and his belongings are sardines. His catchphrase is that his perm failed.

He is like ten thousand years old or something. I have no idea what's going on here, kind of. I'm still just like, why have I never heard of this guy?

How is Orega Munou's bank?

He has just one. It's a 2009 bank, so it's obviously one pitch CV. 


no. This literally can't be. I double checked. These samples were, in fact, recorded in June of 2009... But... they're so good. I'm not even kidding you. It's not perfect, but the recording quality is good. The tone is good. The voice type is a little iffy, but like... Why wasn't this guy one of the big names?!

Where can I download Munou Orega?

The link to his distribution page is on his Visual Archive page. I'm shook.

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