Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Forgotten Friday #118 - 御蔵イリ / Mikura Iri

 I type faster on my computer, meaning it is technically faster to type an article completely on my computer in one go.  But like, I like bed. I like porch. It's not about time, it's about comfort. But with my phone down for the count, I guess computer is fine.

Forgotten Friday #118 - 御蔵イリ / Mikura Iri

This chica was my default CVVC bank for a while. I just randomly picked her out of my download folder one day, and the rest was history.

Let me give you a little insight. Back in the day, I thought, if I can find it and download it, I should share it. But now, I have a different idea. I should show what the voice provider currently endorses. So, this UTAU has all of their current banks on an online storefront. They also have old banks to download. Should I cover the ones not on the online storefront?

Naw. If it was a thing where all five acts were on the Wiki Page, I'd be like, dope, they recommend 5, but I'll still show off 1 too. But, online storefront vs link on the page that links to the storefront! Big, big difference in hierarchy.

Who is Iri Mikura?

Official Art from Bank

Her different banks have different designs. I just picked a random one. I do like the one that was picked at random, though. She looks sad and serious.

Iri is a fourteen year old girl with body-image issues. She is obedient and quiet, but will often say outrageous things as if they are normal.

Uh... I think that's probably it. In her CV bank, she has two different versions of her standing art. One is done with digital watercolor, and the other is normal. I love digital watercolor.

Her color scheme is red and black. Her eyes, bow, skirt, and shoes are red. Her jacket and stockings are black. Her hair is a tawny grey... or platinum blonde.

She has emo bangs and her regular outfit is just a typical school outfit. 

Her 紅 append, which popped up as "red" in Chinese on Google Translate, is adorable. Black append makes her look like a mourner. White is just some Lolita get-up. 

Red is striped leggings, combat boots, arm warmers, a corset... A punky ponytail and a studded collar. She even has an earring that is connected to the collar. Analyzing the line art... Joking. Today is not the day for art analysis when we have like five banks to get through.

How are Mikura Iri's banks?

There are six banks on her BOOTH page. However, the sixth is just the VCV... only for 100 yen so that the manager can get some return on investment. We'll go down the list in order, even though that order feels wonky by almost all measures. 

So, first we'll look at VCV. It's version 1.02. It has two pitches: C4 and F4. It is an extremely high quality bank, and the voice type is yelly girl. That is one of the most popular voice types.

Next is her CV. Said the order was wonky! Despite being 2.12, and that being higher than 1.02, it is only one pitch. She... She literally sounds like less obnoxious Teto. I love her. I love her so much. 

After that, we have the black append. It is CVVC! And I have a CVVC UST to test it with! 

She doesn't have "- C" aliases apparently? Were those something I just made up? She uses a weird list where there's no "- CV", so huh. She may be having that missing some aliases for the second pitch situation, but she is better Teto and I love her.

Next up is her white append. Also, CVVC. She is so soft and sweet and I love her this is a perfect bank and I love it, and I just really love it. Listen!! 

Finally, we have the red append. It's just... She's trying so hard to be hard and tough but it just ends up sounding so cute and misguided! Of all her banks, this would be the hardest to use well. But she's adorable. (And, as a note, there is an art to doing CVVC well. Her worst CVVC works a lot better than other CVVC banks I've looked at. Chica is talented.)

Where can I download Iri Mikura?

You will need a Pixiv account to download her, but, I think you can just sign in with Twitter. As I said, she is perfect and I love her. Her is the page that has the link to her BOOTH store. I love her. Please love her also!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, there! I didn't mean to show up outta the blue or anything, but did you know that Iru and Iri's VCV voicebanks got updated to 2.00 weeks ago this year?

    Here's the link if you haven't seen them. (They're even posted on the site.):
