Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Forgotten Friday #178 - 一ノ亥高良 / Ichinoi Takara

 Whee! This is so much nicer to do with a real mouse!

Forgotten Friday #178 - 一ノ亥高良 / Ichinoi Takara

Takara Ichinoi is a 25 year old man with the profession of being a teacher. Does he have ram horns? I don't know - I don't think anyone clarifies that. He has the numbers 1212 inside one of his irises.

Who is Takara Ichinoi?

official art from bank

Previously on Beauty and the Puppy, Jonah told Blaine that he might have a good deal. Will it be good?!

Jonah took a deep breath. "It's hard not to care about Belle, Mr. Roberts." He looked over at the wall. It had family photos. Blaine had several daughters, but there wasn't a single picture with anyone who looked like they could have been the mother. He looked back to Blaine and continued. "The only reason I wouldn't want to be her boyfriend, given having a girlfriend is the only way to break the curse, is because I don't know if she's fully capable of consent."

"She wouldn't consent," Blaine sighed. "She's asexual."

"Oh!" Jonah's eyes widened. "Then it's perfect! Sir, Belle has a certain light in her. Even if she's a bit annoying, I still feel like I need to protect her and keep her safe." He closed his eyes for a moment before making eye contact with Blaine. "Would you be okay with me being her boyfriend? If she thinks that kissing me would undo the curse, then she most likely won't even kiss me until the curse is permanent in about five years. I won't pressure her to do anything you wouldn't approve of. My job will be to protect her from people who will hurt her."

Blaine narrowed his eyes slightly. "What would you pressure her to do?"

Jonah laughed softly. "Eat her vegetables, brush her teeth…"

Blaine's eyes widened. He realized fully that the creature sitting before him could be a liar. He knew that just because someone promised to treat his daughter well and make her eat vegetables didn't mean that they'd honestly do it. But at the same time, he was always terrified that bears would attack Belle while she was wandering outside of town. He paused before asking, "Did she ask if she could spend the night with you?"

"She asked for a phone to tell you she was spending the night." Jonah looked up at the ceiling again. "I told her that I wasn't going to be a kidnapper, basically."

Blaine nodded before looking towards the door and calling out, "Belle! I'd like to talk to you and your boyfriend together!"

There was loud thudding from the stairs as Belle raced to the sitting room. She smiled brightly as she plopped herself on the couch next to Jonah.

"Now, Sweetie Belle," Blaine sighed. "You're an adult now, but I still need to you to be safe. I want to make some rules about dating."

Belle slowly nodded. "But if I break them I just get to live with Jonah?"

"No, no," Jonah panicked slightly, but was able to hide it before Belle turned to him. "Your father just wants you to be safe, and I'm going to follow his rules too." He let out a nervous laugh, "if you break the rules, I'll send you home to your dad!" 

Belle let out an exaggerated sigh as she rolled her eyes. "What rules?"

Blaine and Jonah made eye contact. This was going to be a long night of negotiating with Belle. 

This is the season finale of Beauty and the Puppy! Next season will be filled with dates and vegetables… if it ever gets written. No promises.

How is Ichionoi Takara's bank?

Ichinoi is another one pitch CV bank. The OTOs are literally "cut out the consonant" bad and will need to be fixed to actually pronounce most plosives. 

With those changes, though, this is a lovely voice! It is halfway between Hibiki Shinji and a jiisan voice and is nice and clear through my TV speakers.

Where can I download Takara Ichinoi?

You can download him from his official site. He is pretty nice!

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