Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #191 - Akaon Hono

 there is almost no information!

Wiki Wednesday #191 - Akaon Hono

So, I did research. And I think the voice provider is Motoamaya? A random artist who is really good is linked on half of the Wikia articles for utaus made by Motoamaya, but she says she doesn't own them - a deactivated user owned them.

Hono comes with no oto, no icon, no txt files, and no helpful information from the wikia beyond him being Haruko Tsuchiya's boyfriend. We are asked to not use him above A#3 because he will sound like a girl. The average frequency is G#3. We're asked not to oto him... Because the voice provider had previously, even if... There is no oto file.

Who is Hono Akaon?

Art from Wikia
"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

I dropped to my knees. The zookeeper was shocked. Almost everyone else who had spoken to Baobao had to be dragged out. They just had so much fun! I don't like animals. My species in general doesn't like animals. I was afraid that the gorilla was going to rip me in half for saying the wrong thing.

I took a deep breath and placed my hands firmly on the floor. With my eyes closed, I asked what surgery they did. I wasn't trying to be dramatic, and I asked the question conversationally. I just didn't want to fall over.

The zookeeper started to go on about the vocal tract. I let her go on as I steadied myself and stood. I awkwardly brushed the dust from the floor off of my pants until the caretaker came into the room.

I sighed and asked what surgery they did. I told her not to worry. Gorillas were still considered animals. Neural testing on animals was frowned upon, but not illegal.

She nervously smiled before asking if I could keep the ruse going for her. I was shocked, but slowly nodded. I wouldn't lie to my superiors, but I'd happily ask them to lie also.

I explained that I had a vocal tract replacement surgery, so I had honestly believed that their version of events was possible. However, reading the human literature proved that the primate vocal tract was already capable of human speech. It's just that their brains can't make use of it. The caretaker hummed a bit.

She began by telling me about the planet we were on. It was her home, and she loved it. However, there were major economic problems. They were looking into tourism to solve the issues. However, there are many muggy rainforests in the universe, and theirs wasn't particularly special. So, she worked with the government to devise a plan to get tourists on her planet. Talking apes.

She was embarrassed to admit that the entire surgery was just implanting a neural augmentation chip developed illegally to "fix" mutism. She had illegally pirated the schematics so that no money went to evil people, but that was the source of it. The zookeeper was scandalized and was swooning at nearly every detail.

I comforted them by telling them that everything, while not fully legal, wouldn't cause any issues from the Union. They would have encouraged them to disregard intellectual property laws on the basis of research anyway.

I then asked the question that was bothering me the most. Why leave the gorilla so… not smart? The zookeeper laughed. Both I and the caretaker looked to her with confusion. She asked if we could imagine playing intellectual games with a gorilla and losing. No one would pay for that!

The caretaker agreed with her. Making a gorilla bark out a few words at a time was realistic. Making them sapient through a biologically interfacing computer chip would just be depressing and obviously fraud.

They asked me if I wanted to speak to Baobao again and offered me plenty of fruit to give her. I shook my head. I was still afraid of her. However, I happily gave them my mother's information. She could help them really advertise their talking gorillas. The caretaker was extremely grateful.

They did really, really well. Once my mother had given them the right resources, they became a real tourist destination. Plenty of people knew that the story was fiction, but they shared the information with knowing eyebrow wiggles. No legal problems or anything.

I still sometimes have nightmares about Baobao, though.

How is Akaon Hono's bank?

I... Don't know? It's a unique voice. I don't think that it is missing anything? I don't think there were any cut off consonants... It's just unique.

Where can I download Akaon Hono?

The download link is on his Fandom page. I wonder what people could make with him.

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