Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #192 - Akazuki Akemi / 明美アカズキ

 I'm currently not using the USB keyboard because it is cold.

Wiki Wednesday #192 - Akazuki Akemi / 明美アカズキ

This is a nine year old dude. He is very hyper and hates being told no. He likes apples and cotton candy, but his character item is jelly. Do they mean the British jelly or the American jelly? 

American jelly is fruit juice that has been boiled and set with pectin to create a spread for your toast. In the UK, that's jam. In America, jam is jelly with bits of fruit left in. Preserves, in both cases, are jellies with chunks of fruit.

In the UK, jelly is Jell-O. Or, a jiggly snack set with gelatin.

Who is Akemi Akazuki?

Art from website
"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

My mother rarely contacted me for no reason. Birthdays and holidays, she went out of her way to schedule a video call. But for everything else? We just wait until I'm forced to go home on vacation and check in with her.

Imagine my surprise when out of nowhere, I got a video recording from her. My blood ran cold as I opened it and she was making an awful choking noise… until she clicked out that she had laughed so hard, her plate had flipped and she was laughing too hard to flip it back for English. I couldn't remember the last time I had heard her willingly use our language.

She pulled up a website in split screen and began just waving her cursor over various parts and making the same heaving noises between explanations.

Borph was a moon based prison colony for a Union recognized planet. Borph… became strange. The citizens were mostly afflicted with mental issues and didn't understand technology. When the Union discovered them and connected them to the Union-net, they went a little wild.

Most of them didn't speak English. They used translators to post online, but the result was always off because their dialect had morphed away from the standard version of the language. I made a note to chide my mother for making fun of poor language skills until I actually paid attention to what she was pointing at. I paused the video and opened the website myself.

"Is one man in costume? Is five men in costume? GIRAFFE." was placed next to an extremely unconvincing giraffe costume. It didn't look handmade - I swore I had seen that exact costume for sale while mindlessly window shopping online.

"Not ten man. Is not any man. L E FAT." I tried to stop myself from laughing. Four people were on their hands and knees while a fifth standing person held a bugle towards the sky. They were all draped in a sheer grey fabric that barely reached the elbows of the people crouching.

I cleared my throat. I wasn't going to laugh. I scrolled down and saw the play symbol on a picture of a man in a hooded fox onesie with face paint. I clicked on it and suddenly, the man in the video was mooing. I felt a hitch in my throat until a voice off screen yelled out "Faust! No mint, Faust!" I fell out of my chair to the floor, grabbing at my stomach as the man in the video lowed as a cow.

I went back to the video my mother sent me. I told myself that it was okay to laugh if it was parody. It had to be parody. Once the video was over, I sent her a message thanking her. I went back to the site and kept scrolling.

I guess they had seen Earth 2 Zoo. There were animals from other Union states, but most of the animals were Earth based. I braced myself when I saw a link that said "very secret. Only Borph has."

Of course, I clicked it. The first image was of a pretty realistic, yet giant, sculpture of some kind of fish. Looking closely, three pairs of human legs indicated that it was being held up by people. I had calmed down until I saw "glug ON LAND?"

I laughed because I didn't understand how they could be getting perfectly comedic translations! There had to be a native level English speaker involved to make the English wrong in a funny way!

How are Akazuki Akemi's banks?

There is a one pitch CV and a one pitch VCV bank. 

I Usually look at the CV first! It is labeled as LITE. That implies it's taken from the vcv, but it is its own bank recorded at E4 instead of F4.

The otos do need work. It has a unique voice type that is apparently not that unique, as it has a tone similar to Hono last week.

How different is the vcv? Well, I'm glad I have let go of my obsession with vcv otos being correct. Praat hides most sins with vcv!

Though, oh my goodness these are so off time at times!! There is a strange part where praat really had to stretch stuff, but this is such an improvement in tone from the CV! I enjoyed this tone much more. It reminded me so much of a spinoff of a certain purple haired utau, I had to search to see where Buster was from. It was not Brazil! It was Canada. It's a cool, Young male voice.

Where can I download Akemi Akazuki?

He has an official site! There, you can find banks for other software also. He's pretty cool!

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