Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #194 - Akemi Ayane / 彩音暁美

 this design is too adorable! It's really the art style and color choices that change it from edgy and cool to so cute! With a harsh style and color choices, the design would be really devil may care modern lady James Dean.

Wiki Wednesday #194 - Akemi Ayane / 彩音暁美

Akemi does her best to fool everyone into thinking she's tough, but she's really self-conscious and is really embarrassed by how fluffy and unruly her hair is. That's why she wears a hat!

She's fifteen and loves school idols, which I don't know what those are. She loves sweets and cute things but hates crowds.

Who is Ayane Akemi?

Official art from Bank 

"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

I'll get back to the zoo story, but the author was thinking about something and it reminded me of my favorite film.

Not everyone in the Union thinks Earth is so great. Some cultures even go out of their way to "prove" how much more artistic and cultured they are. One of the most hated figures in those cultures is William Shakespeare. They don't understand the appeal and are gravely upset when he is praised. 

The movie starts out with a group of witches speaking in their native language with no subtitles. I never wear a translator, and it's just funnier when you don't understand. They're in a circle around a grave, chanting. In relatively decent CGI, a skeleton just pops out of the grave and is like…. Backwards time lapse of decomposition? It goes from a skeleton to an old person to a young adult. In the fakest "Ye Olde English" accent, the dude declares that he's the Bard of Avion.

I'm not cultured in a way that the Union would recognize, but I knew that was wrong. I still have no idea if that was a mistake on their part or a deliberate character choice for Shakespeare.

It cuts to this lab where everything is dim and lit in blue lights. Scientists in coats are speaking to each other and exposition dumping. They go into a hotel room with the same lighting and there's Shakespeare. They were so bad at writing the dialogue, it was insane. They even slipped in slang only people from their planet would know… which would be fine if the slang wasn't coming from William himself!

Lots of exposition, but it boils down to that they put him in front of a television with Netflix that had Greek subtitles. Before you pick apart why that's wrong, they show a shot of the television… the subtitles are Thai! (The explanation for it being Greek was because they probably heard that Latin hasn't changed in forever, but confused Greece and Rome. The Thai thing, no one can explain.)

It cuts to much later, and Shakespeare comes out of the room with a full beard. All the scientists crowd around to hear his wisdom… and it's a perfect Peter Griffin impression. Spot on. Every line of dialogue belongs in that animated show universe. I had never even heard of it before this movie, but I binged it after.

The movie is so dumb. The scientists are begging Shakespeare, now Big Billy, to write more plays. He refuses and only writes Family Guy fanfiction screenplays.

I can't even do it justice. I wish I could tell you to just go watch it, but it hasn't been made yet in your time period, and even if it had been, you guys have no access to Union-net to watch it!

Here's where it gets entirely ridiculous. 

A group of scholars comes together and realizes that all of Shakespeare's works were just Family Guy scripts with confusing writing. I don't enjoy it, but I also know that's false. Everyone on Earth is heartbroken because apparently everyone thought that Shakespeare was the only important writer on Earth?

But the day is saved when an asteroid hits down nicely and neatly without any damage. Inside the asteroid is a bunch of books written by that culture's great writers. The people of Earth realize that no writer on Earth can compare to the writers of the culture that made the movie.

I instantly bought the books mentioned in the movie. They were bad. Very, very bad. Maybe their language is hard to translate. But that doesn't explain awful, contrived plots and one dimensional characters.

But yeah. Back to the zoo story next week!

How Are Akemi Ayane's banks?

Akemi has two banks. Both are one pitch cv. 

Version 1 has otos, but no aliases. Only Romaji here, but that's the entire reason I started stopped converting all uses to hiragana. The otos all have overlap after preutterance which is very not good, but that can be fixed by redoing them! I didn't see any cut off consonants.

The voice doesn't exactly match the art, but it does match the clothing and personality given. It is tough while still being a young woman's voice. The quality is a little muffled.

Version 2 has hiragana aliases, but identical oto problems. This time, I picked a cooler song for her. 

The tone is darker than the first version! It feels clearer, but sounds like it was recorded on the same microphone. The consonants feel strange. I think I used to record them like that? They're really similar to palatalized consonants, but different. Ta kind of sounds like ha. She still sounds like a tough girl!

Where Can I download Ayane Akemi?

Her download links are on her Fandom page. If your audio aesthetic is 2010, this girl is perfect for you! While she has that specific sound, she isn't missing sounds or has any major issues!

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