Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 19, 2023

Forgotten Friday #230 - Rozals. / ロザルス

 the laptop cooling pad isn't a miracle, but it's way better.

Forgotten Friday #230 - Rozals. / ロザルス

Rozals is a germophobic ball jointed doll with the canonical age of five. Trigger warning for mild body horror.

Who is Rozals.?

Art from Fate append

"What's this?" Seraphim held up the book. Mr. Elf was extremely thankful that there had been a movie tie in so that there was a cover with actresses on it.

"Beezus and Ramona!" Mr. Elf grinned.

"Did you mean Jesus?" She tapped on the spine of the book.

He couldn't hide it - he groaned. Connie was the master of cognitive dissonance. She was an extremely devout protestant. The things Seraphim copied over and over again were Bible verses. Connie refused to process that witchcraft was forbidden in the Bible. Though, he did love when anyone had the idea to turn water into wine in Connie's presence. She would shout out Bible verses about respecting the Lord or something in that spirit.

"No, Beezus is the name of a girl who's nine years old." Mr. Elf needed that one little break in character to be able to slide back into the vacantly happy persona he was trying to cultivate.

"So she's a little younger than me!" Seraphim smiled brightly.

"Come on, I'll read it to you!"

And so they read. Mr. Elf had been right in his split second decision. The book was perfect for her. Being from he fifties meant that it was from a simpler time where he didn't need to explain what common technologies were. (Seraphim had touched an AM radio before Connie had placed the anti-electricity spell.)

Though, it wasn't as easy as he had hoped. He had to read to her. He knew he'd have to go further than just reading to her and hoping she'd catch on. While he read, he noticed that she would look away with a happy expression on her face. He didn't stop to try and get her to look at the page. He knew that she was imagining the story. She didn't get a lot of things like that in her life, so he let her absorb the story.

That started her journey of learning - and it was a frustrating one. Mr. Elf had to start relying on Charlotte to get him homeschooling curriculum materials, but they both had to tiptoe around and hide everything. The biggest fear they had was McKenzie slipping and upsetting Connie. However, Connie seemingly didn't like McKenzie, even compared to the other children she had looked after over the years. Connie actively avoided leaving her room. Charlotte was extremely happy about the development, though.

Charlotte's dream of Connie going to prison definitely wasn't going to come true, but it was giving her all of the justification in the world that Connie was unfit to look after anyone.

Though, Charlotte was nervous. Connie knew something had changed. It wasn't just her that wasn't getting new spontaneously gifted children - no one was. But, Charlotte always avoided the subject, and Connie refused to interact with elves.

It was just a matter of waiting for McKenzie to be old enough and learned enough to get into school. While they were still extremely worried about what would happen then, at least they would have gotten one bad thing about shut down.

How are Rozals.'s banks?

She has three banks: A CV, a VCV, and an append VCV named Fate.

Though the CV seems newer than the vcv, I will still cover it first. The otos do not understand plosives and the average pitch is D#4. The voice is nice, but it is very breathy in a way that feels noisy.

Next, we'll look at the normal vcv. The otos are literally horrific -my eyes genuinely widened when I saw them.

I'm just not fixing them, but I will add overlap in the note properties as that is the most pressing issue. If you wanted to fix the otos, this is an absolutely wonderful and soft voice, though it is a bit noisy.

Finally, we have the fate vcv append. The otos are a bit better? The average pitch is different at C#4. In my eyes, this bank is infinitely better than the others and is the one I'd tell everyone to use. It is my favorite female Japanese voice type - grown woman who is just too tired, but still cute.

Where can I download Rozals.?

All of the links to download Rozals are on her visual archive page

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