Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #234 - Outo Hanane / 花音嘔吐

 Yay for progress!

Wiki Wednesday #234 - Outo Hanane / 花音嘔吐

Outo is a nineteen year old woman who dreams of nothing more than being a performer, but a sickness caused by accidentally ingesting a seed has made her very weak and unable to weather boisterous performances.

Who Is Hanane Outo?

Official art from Bank

Friday, August 25, 2023

Forgotten Friday #244 - 熱テキ / Netsu Teki


Forgotten Friday #244 - 熱テキ / Netsu Teki

Teki is a thirteen year old boy who likes coffee and chocolate but hates hospitals and medicine. However, he is very sickly and takes medicine that makes him look twenty years old. He's constantly running a fever of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The art for the banks gets progressively more and more dire for the poor kid.

Who is Teki Netsu?

Art from bank

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #233 - Kora Meikakune / 明確音コラ

 Yay! this is a Japanese only bank, so I don't need to make a new tester.

Wiki Wednesday #233 - Kora Meikakune / 明確音コラ

Kora is a cheerful and stubborn girl who loves space.

Who is Meikakune Kora?

Official art from Bank 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Forgotten Friday #243 - 風邪イモ / Kaze Imo

 I made Chinese tester ust files using the CVVChinese system! I thought this utau had more Chinese banks, so I made quite a few.

Forgotten Friday #243 - 風邪イモ / Kaze Imo

I'm not exactly sure what's going on! Imo loves sweet potatoes (but not yams I'm pretty sure) and hates hospitals, but is sickly? She is only fourteen years old.

Who Is Imo Kaze?

Art From Bank

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #232 - Shelly Salone

I feel tired.

Wiki Wednesday #232 - Shelly Salone

Small happy things! Before I learned the magic of JavaScript, I created a really clunky VCCV to MEL 'converter kit'. Throw all of the files into one folder - deleting those that don't matter if you like - and bam! An oto that you need to completely remake, but with the correct aliases. If anyone made me to understand that they really, really wanted a VCCV to MEL converter, it would be annoying but not difficult to actually write a program that automatically converted a VCCV oto to MEL to be used straight out of the box with the exception of a few things that don't actually exist as their own aliases in VCCV and need to be edited. These things are small enough that they likely wouldn't come up.

The thing is, though, I'm finished with the original MEL because I have progressed to full diphone coverage. VCCV banks have no utility to me because they lack full diphone coverage.

All of this is irrelevant, though. I have access to Shelly's VCCV bank. It's just sitting in my "shared with you" section of Drive, and I may have already converted it to MEL in the past. But, because it is not linked on her webpage, I will pretend it doesn't exist.

Shelly is a twenty-three year old woman created by SockHunter. I think that's it.

Who is Salone Shelly?

Official art

Friday, August 11, 2023

Forgotten Friday #242 - 伊知火 / karanoze's Ichibi

 I don't know what I want to do right now.

Forgotten Friday #242 - 伊知火 / karanoze's Ichibi

Ichiba is a 26 year old man who has the ability to judge whether a person is human or not at a single glance. That probably means he lives in a world where there are people who aren't human.

Who is Ichibi?

Art from site


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #231 - 銀河ハルコ / Haruko Ginga

 I always have fun when I start a new method of finding banks!

Wiki Wednesday #231 - 銀河ハルコ / Haruko Ginga

Haruko appears to be a twenty year old woman, but in reality, she is an alien that can become an axolotl! She also has a wide range of likes and dislikes.

Who is Ginga Haruko?

Art from wiki


Friday, August 4, 2023

Forgotten Friday #241 - 心灯音ディア / Kotone Dia


Forgotten Friday #241 - 心灯音ディア / Kotone Dia

Dia is a fifteen year old male cat person who likes scallops and hates insects. I thought there was a chance he was a lost utau, but I was able to find where he can be downloaded without the use of the way back machine.

Who Is Dia Kotone?

Art from Bank 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #230 - Veltos-P's VIICTOR

 his full name is Victor Miyakawa Yoshiyuki.

Wiki Wednesday #230 - Veltos-P's VIICTOR

I actually got a bit excited when I saw that Victor had a Brazilian Portuguese bank! I found a nursery rhyme to make into a ust, but the bank had been taken down.

Victor has no canon personality, but he does have a girlfriend. 


Art from Wiki
