Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #257 - Yori Tsukino / 月乃縁り


Wiki Wednesday #257 - Yori Tsukino / 月乃縁り

Yori is an eleven year old boy with colorblindness. He wants to try fried butter.

Who is Tsukino Yori?

Art from Meszo Moon UTAU site

A New Vampire, Part 1

I didn't know what I felt. I couldn't understand what I felt. Everything was too bright - that's all I could understand.

As my eyes rose up, I felt a strange flash. There was a man, and his face was familiar. His mouth was moving and sound was coming out...

I couldn't understand. "Who are you?"

His face lit up. "English! My lucky day!"

I shook my head. I didn't know what English was. I didn't know anything.

"I didn't expect this to work, to be honest."

I tried to make sense of his face. It was unsettling in some way. I could tell from across the room that his skin was white and smooth like marble. But was that strange? I looked down. My hands were the same color as his skin. So surely that wasn't it.

I looked back up at him. Was there anything strange? Or was I just feeling strange myself?

"So..." He cleared his throat. "What do you remember?"

I understood the words. What do you recall from before this moment? But everything was black in my mind. I could recall nothing.

"All I know is that you begged for us to not let you die." He was solemn. "So, we didn't let you die."

"Uh huh..." I didn't know what I was doing with my face. "Why would I have died?"

"We're in a war zone."

I nodded. "And war is a thing people die in."

"Yes, of course." He didn't look annoyed. "But you were just sick. It had nothing to do with the war as far as we know."

"Sick." I realized there was a window on the wall beside me. I looked out. It seemed like a sunny day until I noticed the stars and the moon glowing in the sky. "That feels wrong." I tried to gesture towards the window, but some kind of dyspraxia made me wildly fling my hand around.

"Yes." He sighed. "You were brain dead."

I thought about the words he said. I instinctively furrowed my brow as I tried to understand. Was it a metaphor? It surely had to be. "That isn't very polite."

He seemed to understand what I had been thinking. "It wasn't a metaphor - you were brain dead."

"I..." I shook my head, but I shook it too hard. I closed my eyes and put my hand on my forehead as it felt like my brain was sloshing around. "Brain dead means dead. I'm alive. What do you mean?"

"I... Think you're getting it." His voice wasn't annoyed. He wasn't upset. He was just trying to guide me along.

"I don't remember anything." I did my best to not sound bitter as I slowly opened my eyes. "I'm not going to figure anything out. I would like to, but I won't."

"Well..." He sighed. "I don't know how to easily say this... But you are now a vampire."

I closed my eyes and tried to understand what he meant.

How Is Tsukino Yori's bank?

Yori has a one pitch hiragana encoded CV bank. He has a nice voice but I'm so confused. When he sings my tester usts, they sound weird even if Defoko sings them normally and I don't understand why. I might be suffering from psychosis right now and everything sounds normal in reality.

Where can I download Yori Tsukino?

You can download him from his official site. He is a nice utau. 

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