Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Forgotten Friday #98 - 転歌セカイ / Tenka Sekai

Who is excited for an article on a Japanese UTAU?! It's been a while, huh? I think I might focus more on Japanese UTAUs for a bit after I get my download folder all nice and cleaned out in... two hundred articles. I really want to get banks specifically from the Visual Archive, just because the Wiki dot is just... less easy to see where I have been.

Forgotten Friday #98 - 転歌セカイ  / Tenka Sekai

I was all "whoopah!" I am no longer depressed! (If you didn't know I had bipolar disorder, that sounds really bad and very "thanks I'm cured", but I do have that and the depression always goes away eventually to get replaced by mania.) But then the daily exhaustion hit and I'm like, am I misguided? Does reading my dreams for clues of my present state not work as well as previously believed? And then it's like oh wait, my daily exhaustion happens no matter what without fail when I'm not too depressed to be even more exhausted. 

I ate a brownie and drank a diet soda, so I hope I'll be good to write!

Who is Sekai Tenka?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

He is "revolve song world", or something of that nature. 

Random to be placed in this section, but he previously had a VCV bank that has been discontinued. How sad! I would sometimes search for something that I know is not there - but not today. Nope! I could use that time to write a whole different article!

I'm not sure what his outfit is meant to be, as I do not have free internet time right now, and all of the megabytes will take away from my cap. So, I think the best way to describe it from the blurry Nicovideo thumbnails is "more different KAITO" sometimes and "an UTAU type outfit" other times. Very old style, you know. 

Sekai is seventeen years old, and he is male. He has a difficult time calming down. "ochitsuku" is used in the information, and that makes me happy. I learned that word with Wanikani. He is good at being a daydreamer and he hates all stews. He loves roe, which is a fancy name for fish eggs. His clothing is only described as "fantasy". Google Translated mistranslated foods made in a pot as "pots", so I thought, wow! This UTAU is like Link from the Legend of Zelda, only blue! Because he wears fantasy clothes and he also hates pots.

His personality is that he's uh... I had to look up "my pace" because it's something I don't really put my head around and I can never remember exactly what it means. That's how I found out that in Japan, a spin-off of The Andy Griffith show is called "マイペース二等兵". The show is called Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. in America. In Japan, it's "My Pace Private (rank of soldier)"

This was a bit irrelevant because it was just saying that even at his own speed, he cannot calm down himself. 

How is Tenka Sekai's bank?

As said earlier, and I went "b'aw", his VCV no longer exists, so I only have a CV bank for him. One pitch, hiragana encoded. All that fun.

His voice sounds like a seventeen year old male. The microphone quality is a bit tinny, but nothing horrific. It's okay. It's not really a voice type I like, and because the voice provider will literally never read this, I'm okay just leaving it at that. If you like this kind of voice, which is a more legit Kurane Zanda or distortion free Kenta Chikune, then go for it. But, eh.

Where can I download Sekai Tenka?

You can download him from his Nicopedia page. He's okay.

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