Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wiki Wednesday #88 - Peskaroo's October

2/4. Without just rushing through and skimping on the word count to just give you "picture and sample", I can't do more today. The reason is dumb, though. Hemorrhoids. I had to take a break from sitting at my computer, and I ended up watching a bit of TV. I've got just an hour to get this done, but I'll still count it for today if it bleeds over to tomorrow.

Wiki Wednesday #88 - Peskaroo's October

Y'all's all know how I feel about UTAUs with basically unsearchable names. It makes finding if an UTAU qualifies or not difficult. It's not really a big deal that I care about, but for like three minutes before I just give up and say it qualifies, it is annoying. 

I forgot what I was going to talk about. Oh right. Doing these articles will be a little annoying if I'm not doing them from 2 AM to 8 AM (at night). We have a fifteen gigabyte data cap. It resets on the 27th and we just ran out on the 14th. It's manageable and I can do almost everything I want, except for the fact that Google Drive will just tell me I'm offline and won't let me do anything. Everything else works, only slowly. It's just Google Drive that likes to be a diva. It works eventually most of the time... but that waiting for it to work is annoying.

Who is October?

Official Art Taken from UTAU Wiki

October is a twenty-one year old man. He is part of a collective, but there's no link to the website. I'll likely run into his friends while going through the Wiki. 

I feel a little bad when I write the descriptions sometimes, because it sometimes gets really close to plagiarism. First, I don't cite specific sources. However, neither does the Visual Archive or the Wiki... So, I'm just following their lead. (Things in encyclopedias are considered common knowledge, and that is why they do not specifically need to be cited. You don't need to cite that Abraham Lincoln was president even if you learned it from an encyclopedia.) Next... Sometimes, I just copy the actual description almost word for word. October's "read me" file says "October is charismatic, confident, and cool." Even if I change it up to say like "October has a personality that could be called..." I'd still probably just write charismatic, confident, and cool in the same exact order.

I'm not even planning to go back to school for the foreseeable future, and I doubt anyone featured will be too mad about me taking shortcuts to write the bio sections. Heck, they'd probably prefer if I'd just copy and paste so that I don't leave stuff out. (But that's not how I roll!)

Anyway, October demands to be the center of attention. He plays as if he's sarcastic and charming, but he can be a little grating when he's ignored. He's a flirt, but has little ability to get into long term relationships. He has a demon mark that allows him to shape shift into a really, really scary monster. 

How is October's bank?

There is no official site that I could find, so I only know of one bank from the end of 2017. Specifically, New Years Eve of 2017. I forget what year it is, so I instantly thought "Oh, it's 2018 now. The bank is really new!" No. 2020.

It is a one pitch CV bank. I know 2010 may sound like a mean way of saying things, but for 2010 samples, the audio quality is basically perfect. Why do I use the 2010 qualifier? Because there are people out there buying thousand dollar microphones for UTAU. Why? Because they have the money and want to win the game by slapping down the dollars? Does it actually work? I... I don't know. But, saying "the audio quality is excellent" point blank with those people hanging around isn't entirely correct.

I'm just saying that the microphone quality is exactly where it should be for a freeware singing synth.

The voice is more youthful than the age implies, but there are fifty year olds that sound fifteen in real life, so that's no issue.  The average pitch is C#4. The OTOs are ones where I understand fully the theory, but the theory is not fully correct. The person making the OTOs wanted a smooth singing experience with short and quick consonants. This can sound fluid and artificial, which some people like. 

The pronunciation is good, and I haven't found any eaten consonants while fixing up the OTO file. The one sticking point for some people will be the English "r"s. If this bothers you too much, you can fashion more appropriate "r"s out of "d" file by cutting into the initial part of the "d" sound to make it softer. Everyone probably knows that English "r"s make me happy by now, though. 

Where can I download October?

You can download October from his UTAU Wiki page. He's a good UTAU!

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