Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Forgotten Friday #101 - 怪奇音リヴィ / Livy Kaikine

Happy 100th Forgotten Friday article, everyone! (oops, I messed up the numbering) I wish I could say this is a special article about a super special UTAU, but naw. Just a normal article like any other one. Not too interesting or anything.

Forgotten Friday #101 - 怪奇音リヴィ / Livy Kaikine

Just a little public service announcement from some stuff that has been happening. At any time, you are fully allowed to just ditch your username, retire your UTAU, and just make a new one with your new name. I was in middle school when I made my UTAU, and like... It was a lot of bad choices. Her outfit was literally a bad version of Miku's outfit. No one is going to ding you for just making a new UTAU, especially as plenty of users make more than one UTAU. 

But, don't try and start up with a new name to avoid getting harassed. When they find out it's you, they will come at you twice as hard because they know that hurting you... actually hurts you. If you can't come back with your old name and fit in, then you would need to put a lot of effort into being someone else. If you're like me and have a distinctive voice, you'll never be able to have an UTAU again. People in this fandom are really good at figuring out who recorded what, and even if they aren't correct, they're not afraid to just decide you're someone you're not. 

You'll need to change your art style, change your style of music, change your tuning style, and change anything that would vaguely link back to you. If you think I'm a Nancy Drew, you'll be surprised how far people are willing to go to hurt people. 

The best option if you want to be in the fandom is to just try to stay under your original name and just hang back for a bit while they forget you. You'll never be able to go to the forums again, and you'll never be able to go into the chat rooms with the bad people (which is basically every chat room) but you will get to a point where you can enjoy the software and do this to everyone who hurt you. If you stick to places where you can block people who hurt you and never see their names (like Twitter), you can weather it out and report people for harassment. 

But the forums and chat rooms? Yeah, getting transplanted into a body of a completely diametrically opposite person wouldn't stop them from mistreating you in those places. So, best to just forget those exist. 

Who is Kaikine Livy?

Official Icon Packaged with Bank

So, KeikoLivy, Livy's voice provider, has done flown the coop. She ain't here no more. 

I don't like her family name. It makes me uncomfortable. I know for a fact that Livy would have no idea why it's uncomfortable, and I wouldn't be as uncomfortable if it wasn't for the ram.... Uh... well, for all the bad things in the world that involve what the last name sounds like.

The only concept are I could find of her is really old. It is from the UTAU Wikia.

So, let me start by saying that I get why a 14 year old would dress their 14 year old UTAU completely inappropriately. A fourteen year old wants to be cool and mature, so they make their UTAU into what they want to be. But it's like, bad. Her outfit would be okay if you hand-wave the too short skirt and shirt as "bad anatomy", but it's straight out stated that it is meant to be inappropriate. 

I can tell from the icon from her latest banks that the design has changed, though you can only see the neck up in the icon. The original design had auburn hair and no headphones, whereas the new one has red hair and headphones. Her color scheme is updated for the icon, also. The original green was forest green, while the new green is lime. Other than the green, the original color scheme was slate, charcoal, and white. The outfit was a typical VOCALOID style outfit, but with extra inappropriate additions to make it just uncomfortable. 

If Livy ever came back, do not hold this against her. She was like five years old, and realizing the problems with what she was putting online might be why all of her accounts were shut down. Please don't hurt someone over something freaking everyone that age did at the time. 

Her personality is also extremely problematic, but like I said, all of the accounts have been closed. The lesson was learned. 

How are Kaikine Livy's banks?

Well, Livy has an English bank and a Japanese bank. The English bank is unusable for English due to the lack of VC samples, or even monophonic C samples. Thankfully, the English only bank has hiragana aliases. Both banks were recorded in 2010, about three months apart. 

The OTOs in Act 2 are very bad. They are all 0s, except for some random ones with offset. 

And... uh...

it happens multiple times
And the "de" is "di"! and! 


Okay, there's still the revised bank. Same OTO problems as before, but...

If you don't know what the problem is, it goes "pew pew!" like a laser.

It's a slightly less broken bank. It's still really, really broken, but slightly less so. The voice would be adorable, but it's broken. I feel sad.

Where can I download Livy Kaikine?

I mean, be warned. This is the kind of UTAU that you need to actually edit the files to fix. You can't use this and get a good and understandable result without splicing a "k" onto that "ko". If you're interested in that, then go for it. But like... Do you want to?

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