Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #181 - AG Green

 I am planning on going fast and getting many articles done!

 Wiki Wednesday #181 - AG Green

It is a really cool feeling to find black UTAUs! So many black users early in the Fandom had white or Japanese utaus.

AG loves ramen and cereal but hates needles. He doesn't like when people think everyone who likes Japan is a weeaboo.

Who is AG Green?

Icon from wikia

"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

Dr. Joe was disheveled as he awkwardly tried to address me. "Jay… net?"

I remembered that I was going by Janet when he met me. I shrugged. We started walking to the conference room. I could tell that he hadn't figured anything out. I had wanted to tell him what I learned, but the slime balls demand punctuality.

And that's how I ended up in a cramped conference room with a high ranking sapient slime ball.

The slime ball was mean. He spoke through a machine translator, but still had a tall and humorless woman by his side as a translator.

In a rare moment of silence, I inserted myself. I didn't have any delusions that I was shining or being important. I was just giving a shrinking and nervous man a chance to gather his thoughts.

I knew I didn't need to explain everything. It probably annoyed the slime ball that I did. That's why I did it. 

A sapient slime ball is made up of, at minimum, two parts: the slime and the brain. Most slime balls incorporate organs like a stomach to more efficiently process nutrients or eyes to see. However, these are separate organisms from the slime ball. Therefore, each organ had a different genome.

While a sapient slime ball requires a brain, the slime itself can function on its own. This means that the slime itself and the brain, again, had different genomes.

The slime itself was interesting. Instead of DNA coiling into chromosomes or RNA wrapping into spools, it was just floating proteins inside of a cell structure with no English equivalent (even within the expanded lexicon of the Union).

Due to the loosey goosey nature (yes, that was in a textbook) of the genes, nearly every cell within the slime had slightly different genetic material. It mutated and grew constantly. Excess slime, barring illness or disability, was broken down and digested to fuel the organisms inside of it.

The brain was the interesting thing. They were like most sapient brains. If you cut a brain in half, it will not grow back. Even retrieving a sample of the brain to sequence could irreparably damage the structure.

The translator was obviously uncomfortable as she glanced over at the slime ball. I could notice a tiny bit of vibration. He had learned the meaning of rolling his eyes from the Union, even though his eyes were invisible to us.

The air was sucked out of the room the moment I brought up reproduction. Every society views it differently, and their culture was one of the worst. Everyone assumes that the featureless blobs simply split into two as if it were simply mitosis. While the blobs were able to reproduce asexually, it was a deeply traumatic process.

Young slime balls were taught that they were plucked from the aether. Most sapient slime balls were not created asexually. I could see the high ranking slime blob across from me shaking as I began to explain the origin of his very life, so I stopped speaking. He didn't break the silence, so I simply stated that harvesting enough material from that process to sequence a genome would be extremely difficult and prone to failure.

I pointedly looked towards Dr. Joe then back to the translator. Both were in shock with their eyes unfocused. The slime ball broke the silence by confirming I was correct.

How is AG Green's bank?

While we were promised more banks, the account that made the most updates seems to have stopped making updates in 2017. I think that means that we will not be getting more banks.

 there sadly are no Otos. why am I getting file load errors? WHY doesn't my touch keyboard properly capitalize? I don't get it. The reason that utau was just not it, it was refusing to do anything -- file load errors, even though I had the oto editor working, is because of the fact, I used a % in the file address, and because I used the % in the file address, that meant that it worked and I could see it in everything, except for what I needed which was rendering it. So, no % in file addresses in the future.

This bank is nice. It has a nice voice. It is only one pitch, and it is CV.

Where can I download AG Green?

The download is on his wiki page. He is nice!

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