Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wiki Wednesday #182 - Aigis Phantom / Gisai Phantome / PHANTOloid

If my writing seems extra strange, it's because I'm using text to speech, because typing is difficult when you're out of the notion of it, and I don't have a keyboard.

Wiki Wednesday #182 - Aigis Phantom / Gisai Phantome / PHANTOloid

This character's name is a reference to a video game, and a reference to that their appearance is suspicious like the phantom. She enjoys crackers covered in chocolate and she likes poems. She really likes spiders and nocturnal creatures. She likes rainy days and rooms that are completely dark. She also really likes Black Cats and a Japanese cartoon but I think that she doesn't like the Japanese cartoon because of the fact that her brother is friends with a character from that Japanese cartoon so it's actually real. She likes spicy things but it's strange because she also likes bland foods. She hates daylight and happy people and she dislikes that some people dress inappropriately. But she hates rats even though rats I think are nocturnal and perfect. Rats are the perfect pets, except for the fact that their life spans are too short.

She is from the past but now in the present. She became mama to her younger brother when they were orphaned.

Who is Aigis Phantom?

Icon from wiki

"Supposedly" fictional Chia here.

I pointedly asked the high ranking sapient slime ball if he understood all of the challenges I had outlined. He understood. I asked if he had already known. He had.

I shrugged. I dropped all decorum and spoke informally. I asked him why he had shaken poor Dr. Joe and wasted the translator's time by holding this meeting.

The slime ball deflated slightly. I asked if this was just a way of showing power over us. He shrank back further. I told him that I didn't care if I got in trouble for my tone. I just wanted to make sure it was a matter of record what Glubby would have to endure to have his genome sequenced by Union engineers.

The translator cleared her throat. The high ranking slime ball gurgled something without his machine translator. She slowly nodded before asking what Glubby would need to endure.

Sexual reproduction was off of the table. A full genome was needed to map the genetic information to Dr. Joe's synthetic genome. Perhaps in the future better artificial intelligence could extrapolate from a fraction of the data, but the first patients would need the full genome. Only asexual reproduction would work.

He shuddered.

Asexual reproduction in sapient slime balls was rare. It was a survival mechanism for when a slime was near death. The brain would shut off and produce eggs that would lay dormant until incubated in healthy slime. After the eggs were created, it was possible to nurse the parent back to health. While it was possible, it was also difficult. The majority of sapient slime balls who reproduced asexually died. Most of those who survived had long lasting cognitive impairments.

Dr. Joe asked if there were any procedures like induced comas to safely trigger egg production and then pull the patient back out safely. I told him honestly that even doctors on their planet pretended that reproduction didn't exist. Slime balls simply were plucked from the aether. That's what they were taught.

I reminded the high ranking slime ball that I didn't care if I was reprimanded for my conduct. He could agree that it simply wasn't possible. The translator ignored his response and asked me if it would, at any point, be possible.

Glubby's genome wasn't enough to map it. All of the seemingly garbage information that was shared between almost every slime ball needed to be cut out so that it was possible to make a meaningful synthetic genome mapping. Not even the genome of every single sapient slime ball in the Union would be enough. We needed information from every different type. The high ranking slime ball raised and gurgled angrily. I rolled my eyes. "You have to admit blue gorgornakhs exist."

He turned his machine translator back on. Thankfully, it couldn't yell. I stood and crossed my arms while I waited for him to finish. That simply made him rise taller and gurgle so loudly and quickly that the machine translator started to misunderstand him completely.

The translator and Dr. Joe had both stood and were pressed against the walls from their slinking back in fear. I calmly stated that I didn't care if they simply brought the brains of deceased orange, blue, and red slimes. If they weren't willing to give the Union access to that material, the Union would not be able to produce what Glubby wanted.

The translator shakily asked how I knew about the whole slavery thing. My jaw dropped slightly as my widened eyes glazed over. I knew there was the whole eugenics thing. The book I had learned that from was literally a Bible detailing what made a good slime and a bad slime. I slowly sat down and cleared my throat.

Dr. Joe awkwardly thanked the high ranking slime ball and directed them to go speak with the engineers.

Glubby did not have his genome sequenced. He was happy with a child that had the traits he imagined he would have if he was human shaped.

How Is Aigis Phantom's bank?

Yay for having otos ! It is a one pitch cv bank. It is a calm but stern feminine voice that is a little androgynous. 

Where can I download Aigis Phantom?

You can find her download link on her Fandom page. She is a nice utau. 

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