Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Forgotten Friday #275 - 八草コウ / Yakusa Ko

 it's cool that the main utau of this group has so many appends, but there are still fun other characters.

Forgotten Friday #275 - 八草コウ / Yakusa Ko

His name probably should be Yakusa Kou, but it was Romanized as Ko on the distribution page. He does not like sweet and sour white fish according to Co-Pilot. He does like Japanese style quick pickles if I can trust bing search. He is 17 years old.

Who is Kou Yakusa?

Art from Site.
"Mr. Elf?!" Aliyah cried out as she stood among the trees in the little park area beside her dorm during the night. "Mr. Elf?!"

Suddenly, with a cloud of glittering dust, Mr. Elf appeared. Aliyah sat down to be at nearly his eye level. "I'm sorry I was rude before, Mr. Elf, but I have to ask a question that maybe only you could answer..."

Mr. Elf slowly nodded.

"Is McKenzie half elf?" Her eyes were wide and hopeful.

Mr. Elf took a deep breath. "No."

"Then why did you just suddenly start showing up for her!" Aliyah groaned. "How is she just so powerful that no one knows how to deal with her?!"

"Aliyah..." Mr. Elf sighed. "I had looked after Miss Constance's children for over half a century. The thing that changed is the governing body. Plenty of children have been just as powerful as McKenzie. It's just that instead of going to school, they were locked up and poked and prodded." He paused. "Why do you think Miss Constance would put a whitening spell on a white child?"

Aliyah blinked. "What?"

"Miss Constance had children taken from her when she still cared because they were seen as too powerful. Either the people in charge wanted to train them, or they wanted to lock them away." He shook his head. "So, she put suppressor spells on every child that came through."

"But then why..." Aliyah groaned. "Let me guess, there's a minimum power level before it kicks in?"

Mr. Elf nodded. He saw that Aliyah was just stewing with that knowledge. He cleared his throat. "Do you remember Gabriel?"

Aliyah slowly nodded. "He should have been in school when I started, but I didn't know his legal name. I couldn't ask people where he was and get a real answer."

"He was as powerful as McKenzie." Mr. Elf took a deep breath. "The old president was still in charge. He just saw that, even suppressed, Gabriel performed just as well as everyone around him. He didn't reveal to anyone that Gabriel was suppressed, which is why everyone is so confused about what to do with McKenzie. Do you know what they did to Gabriel?"

Aliyah slowly shook her head.

"Would you believe me if I said that the story had a happy ending?" Mr. Elf tried to force a chuckle.

"No." Aliyah pulled her knees up to her chest. "But you'll pretend he did have a happily ever after so that I don't cry about McKenzie possibly being put in magical jail."

The story did not have a happy ending. It was extremely depressing for all involved.

"You don't need to worry, though." Mr. Elf nodded. "President Penn would give her life to dismantle the Old Guard who did all of that. She would smuggle McKenzie out of here if she even thought there was a possibility of that happening to her."

"What do we do about her, then?"

Mr. Elf shrugged. "Let her quit magic?"

How Is Yakusa Kou's bank?

Kou has a one pitch cv bank. His voice is meant to be upbeat. He has a very nice voice with a nostalgic quality. 

Where can I download Ko Yakusa?

You can download him from his official site! He is nice. 

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