Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Forgotten Friday #276 - 八草アネ / Yakusa Ane

 all of the utaus in this group were recorded by the same guy. Except this one! This was his sister. (also Yuemon was likely also a friend)

Forgotten Friday #276 - 八草アネ / Yakusa Ane

It is a lot of fun to have your family members record an utau for you! I think Ane likes sushi, hates natto (slimy soybeans), and has never lost a fight.

Who is Ane Yakusa?

Art from bank


Aliyah started to stand until Mr. Elf's words fully sank in. She shook her head. "Explain why the ovary woo-woo magic was a wonderful mediation for me, and a burning nightmare for her."

"That's easy." Mr. Elf forced himself to smoke. "Do you trust magic?"

"I... Have a choice?" Aliyah furrowed her brow. "My magic is a part of me. Why wouldn't I trust a part of me?"

"How many times did you accidentally use magic at Miss Constance's house?"

Aliyah looked up at the night sky. "I don't need to answer, because you already know."

"She didn't." He held up his hands in an exaggerated shrug. "She never accidentally used magic because it wasn't something she could do. For her, magic is a conscious choice that she has to allow or reject. She doesn't have a handle on it because it's, emotionally, not a part of her." He didn't wait for a response. "Have you ever seen President Penn use magic?"

Aliyah looked down at Mr. Elf. "I don't know her well, but I don't think I have." [note: if I had written that Charlotte had used magic in front of Aliyah and I have forgotten it, I am now reconning that to say that she hadn't.]

"She's like McKenzie." Mr. Elf nodded. "There's nothing biologically different, it's completely psychological. For you, there's one person. You are intertwined. For them, there are two people. Their conscious, actual self, and then some shady being that lives inside them. Their conscious self can access the magic, but not know what to do with it. Hence the cotton candy. For her to actually use the magic correctly, she needs to learn to ask that shady being inside of her to guide her."

Aliyah slowly nodded. "Is it like the ADHD?"

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Elf leaned forward.

"The medicine has changed her." Aliyah sighed. "She suddenly loves math, but she's still just as disinterested in anything she doesn't enjoy. We can help her, but nothing will make her like..." Aliyah paused. "Not like everyone else... Because President Penn is like her. We can't make her like me."

"Exactly," Mr. Elf looked towards the buildings. "Do you know how many of you have the same issue? No one really considers it a problem anymore because it's so common. Most people figure it out quickly, which is why Mrs. Mossgarten never mentions it in class. They don't realize they're talking to a different part of themselves - they just feel detached and don't enjoy it as much."

"Why didn't anyone bring this up sooner?" Aliyah closed her eyes as she groaned. "Why am I running around on a wild goose chase?"

"They don't see it as a problem." Mr. Elf sighed as he looked back to Aliyah. "And, even if they did, they're not afraid of her not being able to use the magic correctly - they're afraid of her magic being too hard to control."

How is Yakusa Ane's bank?

Ane has a two pitch CV bank. She has a very lovely voice!

Where can I Download Ane Yakusa?

For now, this is the last time I'll link this official site! This was a fun set of utaus.

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