Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Forgotten Friday #285 - 音偽ユウ / Otogi Yuu

 my goal is to run out of preprepared stories so that I NEED to start writing more right away!

Forgotten Friday #285 - 音偽ユウ / Otogi Yuu

I actually don't know this UTAU's gender. Yuu likes daifuku and has shark teeth... I think. He looks like he is in his 20s.

Who Is Yuu Otogi?

Art from site

Charlotte rested her elbows on her desk and leaned forward. She used her head to gesture at one of the chairs in front of her desk.

Stellaris took a deep breath and closed her eyes to steady herself as she sat down. She opened her eyes and asked, "What happens to her?"

"What?" Charlotte didn't follow. "To McKenzie?"

"Yeah." Stellaris nodded. "There's no reason for her to be here if she can't do magic... Aside from the fact that that old lady is her legal guardian."

Charlotte nodded. "As the president of this school, I feel like it is my job to take care of her. And, Aliyah is an extremely grounding force for her."

"Aliyah has told me over and over that she's leaving..." Stellaris looked away from Charlotte. "As long as Aliyah is here, McKenzie needs to be here. But what happens in two years?"

"Do you have a suggestion?" Charlotte leaned back. Of course she wanted the best for McKenzie.

"Middle School doesn't really matter." Stellaris shrugged, "but I've heard transferring high schools really stinks. This is Aliyah's junior year. When she graduates, McKenzie will be going into high school... And I'll be twenty."

Charlotte let out a confused noise as she looked away from Stellaris to try and process what she was saying. She turned and woke up her computer by typing in her password. She typed on her keyboard before pausing and asking, "Would you be living in California?"

"Yeah, of course." Stellaris nodded as she hopefully looked to Charlotte.

"It's not possible for you to adopt her." Charlotte sighed. "You're only six years older than her - you need to be ten years older than her."

"Oh." Stellaris sighed. 

"But." Charlotte typed a bit more. "Miss Constance would happily give you legal guardianship."

"Really?!" Stellaris gasped. "It might work?!"

Charlotte looked back to Stellaris. She paused for a moment. "Can you handle it? Sometimes parents will kick their kids out of the nest right after high school..."

Stellaris softly laughed. "My parents wouldn't... But even if they did, I'd have two years to figure it out. Besides, I'm not as ditsy as you think. All of my earnings from my modeling go straight into investments. Didn't you notice that I wear the same fast fashion as everyone else?"

"Really?" Charlotte let out a confused 'huh'.

"I know I shouldn't say anything to her about it." Stellaris took a deep breath. "Aliyah might decide to stay... But how about this? For fall break, get their guardian to let me take McKenzie and Aliyah to Los Angeles. I'll rent an apartment in Koreatown or Pedro. I'll see if I can manage two teenagers on just the dividends from my investments." She paused. "And if that goes well, Christmas break, spring break, and then maybe summer."

"I respect you enough to let you try." Charlotte sighed. "It would be wonderful if you could give McKenzie her first real Christmas. That's a good enough reason to try, right?"

How Is Otogi Yuu's bank?

Yuu has a six pitch vcv with an add on for English rhotics (which I will not touch.) The bank subtitle roughly translates to traditional comedy story teller. 

Yuu has a very nice voice. I really like that their high pitch is soft!

Where can I Download Yuu Otogi?

The link is on Yuu's official site. 

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