Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Forgotten Friday #287 - 重力ALBA / Juuryoku Alba

 I needed a small break from the site I was finding utaus on!

Forgotten Friday #287 - 重力ALBA / Juuryoku Alba

The official site for this utau is down, but thankfully the bowlroll link is still in the description of the distribution video!

Alba is a twenty-three year old woman. 

Who Is ALBA Juuryoku?

Art from visual archive 

Stellaris took a deep breath as she tapped her finger against the side of her photo ID. She had snuck into the cyber cafe plenty of times, but now she was a legal adult who could actually be there. She stepped into the cafe. The woman working at the check-in counter waved her through without even looking at her ID. Stellaris pocketed it and sat down at a computer.

She pulled out her debit card and pushed it into a chip reader attached to the computer tower. It automatically logged her into her parent's cloud based account. She closed her eyes and pressed her wrist against her head and strained until her face hurt. When she opened her eyes, she could see the rippling of the sound blocking spell she casted. Of course it wasn't necessary, but she was polite.

She pulled up a Zoom-like program that was created especially for witches so that they felt safe speaking freely about magic. Most people under thirty were just fine with using normal human sites, but her parents were over thirty. She pressed a few buttons and waited until her parents picked up.

She nervously waved.

"Oh, Susie-sue!" Her mother covered her smiling mouth. "Did you cast that spell yourself? You're learning so much at school!"

Her parents looked like her. They had the best surgeons to keep them at just the perfect level of graceful aging. They were well dressed, fit, and all over put together.

"Thank you, mom." Stellaris took a deep breath. "I wanted to call about fall break..."

"Oh right," her father nodded. "We were a bit confused by your message. You're okay with us renting out your apartment during the break?"

"Well..." Stellaris nervously tried to explain. "I have two friends who probably won't stay in the containment zone after they graduate, and we kind of all want to see what it would like to... Be on our own."

"Susie-sue..." Her mother looked heartbroken. "You'll never be on your own as long as we're here!"

"I know, but..." Stellaris shook her head. "I want to know if I can, even if I never need to."

Her father softly chuckled. "Susan, I love you. I'll always love you. But, you are making me so proud in this moment. We expected you to be like all of your modeling friends."

Stellaris awkwardly laughed. "How could I be like them when I have you two to look up to? Our vacations to the island really were fundamental to my sense of empathy."

Her mother cooed, "Oh Susie-sue!"

"I'm very proud of you," her father nodded. "But, there must be some logistics we need to discuss. I won't throw you out into the world without figuring out the basics."

"It's just one vacation, and I'll be in the same county as you guys!" Stellaris smiled. "I'm looking to stay in Koreatown."

"Oh wow!" Her mother gasped. "I expected somewhere..."

"Out of my price range?" Stellaris giggled. "I can understand why."

How Is Juuryoku Alba's bank?

Apparently Pifu Yuu is Chinese. Who would have guessed?! The bank is corrupted. I used my garbled Chinese file name converter to find and replace like five file names. 

Her voice is very pretty, but you're not allowed to redistribute banks. So unless Pifu Yuu uploads a fixed version, everyone will need to fix her for themselves if they want to use her.

Where can I download Alba Juuryoku?

The link to the distribution video is on her visual archive page

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