Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #274 - Rayna Kimball

this Utau was created by mbarnesmmd

Wiki Wednesday #274 - Rayna Kimball

Rayna is a 19 year old woman. She is a natural born leader who likes hats.

Who is Rayna Kimball?

Art from site

alien terminal 4

The new screen had more of those drawings. There were... Emotions. Happy faces, sad faces, angry faces... And then things I couldn't guess. I was Rough, but I wasn't unfeeling. I chose the crying face and pressed down on the dial.

The room was filled with some beautiful noise. I didn't even know of anything that could make noises like that!

There were two things to choose from on the new screen. An arrow pointing to the side and what looked like an open door. I chose the door and was put on the first screen as the music still played.

I just stared in disbelief.

I didn't know what to do. Do I tell her I had made something happen? Or do I just poke further on my own? How did the terminal have music on it?!

I scrolled over each option, trying to guess at what each one could mean. Then I saw a crude picture of a terminal and selected it.

A screen with a sad face appeared. There was an arch with lines on it and a large "X" shape. Then... A wall of... Something.

There was a confused face. I selected it.

The screen cleared and the music stopped. One beep came from the speaker and a symbol appeared on the screen. A voice said a word. Two beeps, a new symbol. Another word. It kept on until there were ten beeps.

It finished and five dots appeared on the screen. Below it were all of the symbols. I used the dial to select one of the symbols. It was right, so a got a happy noise and a happy face.

I didn't stop and think about what had put this educational stuff on the terminal - I just knew that I needed to learn what these things were if I wanted to go further.

I paused. I didn't need to memorize this. I needed to write it down. I bolted out of the room to go to a lecture hall to grab writing supplies.

I went to one of the old halls that was no longer in use so that I didn't run into anyone. The laboratory used to be a place of education, but now it was just where you put the people that no one wanted to be around. Thankfully, the hall was still stocked with writing supplies. I grabbed a bound book and a few different utensils in case the ink had dried in any of them.

I didn't want to draw attention to myself, so I calmly walked back to the room with the terminal. I didn't know what I'd say if someone stopped me. I had no problem lying, but would lying even do anything? How could I explain the truth without looking insane?!

The screen had went back to the main screen by the time I got back. I set down everything and finally grabbed a chair.

I didn't know the time, but I didn't care. I really, really did not want to leave.

How is Kimball Rayna's bank?

Rayna has a one pitch cv bank. She has a nice voice! The voice has been made more nasal to have a cute effect.

Where Can I Download Rayna Kimball?

You can download her from her official site. She is nice!

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