Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Forgotten Friday #284 - 狐者異カゴメ / Kowai Kagome

 finally!! This utau is canonically a woman! The last few weeks had no official gender.

Forgotten Friday #284 - 狐者異カゴメ / Kowai Kagome

So, uh. Kagome eats souls and steals their property? I'm not sure. The art and her design are just beyond words stunning.

Who is Kagome Kowai?

Art from site


No one really knew if they were meant to throw a party or not when they gave McKenzie her tiara. Instead of a full party, Stellaris, Aliyah, and Charlotte were standing in Charlotte's office alongside a very excited McKenzie.

Charlotte smiled as she placed the tiara on McKenzie's head. Tobias had given her instructions on how to manipulate McKenzie's hair to make the combs along the band of the tiara hold tight. Charlotte stepped away. She was taken aback at the absolute joy on McKenzie's face as she was stunned. Once the initial moment passed, McKenzie giggled and spun around.

"I can't use magic on her..." Aliyah looked over at Charlotte. "What do we do about washing her hair?"

McKenzie looked back at Aliyah and turned to her. "Oh, I'm a big girl!" She nodded, "I can handle having magic for long enough to wash my hair. And if I can't, I'll just cut my hair short so that I can wash it faster."

"And if you lose your tiara..." Charlotte awkwardly laughed, "Mr. Elf brought back plenty of jewelry for me to keep in my office. It's for anyone like you who needs it while they wait for Mr. Elf to bring them a tiara, McKenzie. He'll bring you a new one if you lose it, but it will take a while."

McKenzie shook her head. "This is my retainer."

Stellaris softly laughed. "I'm shocked you remembered, McKenzie! I've always been airheaded, but I still haven't lost my retainer after eight years! When things are important, anyone can remember them."

"Huh." Charlotte knew better, but she mused anyway, "I never thought that you would have had braces."

"Did you think this was my original nose also?" Stellaris giggled. She waved her hand as Charlotte blushed. "If my story about having braces is enough to make McKenzie not lose her tiara, then I'm happy to tell it!"

Aliyah changed the subject. "So, what do you want to do now that you have no magic?"

McKenzie hummed a bit. She wasn't sure if there was really anything she would want to do. Things would be different, but she didn't really think anything would be that different. She snapped her fingers. "Sleep! I want to know what it feels like to sleep without magic!"

Aliyah could tell that McKenzie would be okay with her laughing, so she did laugh. "It's only four PM! But of course, I will make sure that you get to sleep tonight."

"Thank you President Penn!" McKenzie quickly hugged Charlotte before bouncing out of the door while Aliyah followed her.

"Thanks for letting me be here, President Penn." Stellaris smiled as she crossed her arms across her chest. "It makes me happy to see her be happy."

"It makes me happy also." Charlotte sat down at her desk. She paused. "Is there anything you need, Stellaris?"

Stellaris awkwardly laughed. "Well, I have been thinking of something, but part of me thinks I shouldn't be thinking it."

How Is Kowai Kagome's bank?

Kagome has a five pitch vcv with an extra weak pitch. Her voice sounds mature and feminine.

Where Can I Download Kagome Kowai?

You can find her on her official site. She is nice!

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