Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #272 - Yuuki Essence / 優木エッセンス

 this utau was made by mbarnesmmd.

Wiki Wednesday #272 - Yuuki Essence / 優木エッセンス

Yuuki is fun loving and independent. She is 24 years old and likes deviled eggs.

Who is Essence Yuuki?

Art from site

alien terminal 2

It was cold as she handed me my new key card. She had waited until we were right outside the gate.

I fed the card into the reader and waited for the click of the lock opening. I pulled out my card and pushed myself through the gate.

And then I stopped and stared. I had seen it from far away, but it towered over me. It was some strange metal... Thing. I imagined it raining and raining until it popped off and could be used as a boat.

"It's yours now." She shrugged. "Controls are on the stalk. That's where the preview is so that you don't need to go down to the lab to see what's going on."

She turned and went to leave.

"Wait." I called out. "What is this?"

She looked back at me. "It's supposed to be something magical. You send a message, you get a message. But it's not worth it to them. You need one of these everywhere you want to send or receive a message. It's easier to get from here to there on beast than to build this." She let out a harsh, forced laugh. "You just wanted to be nice, huh? Well, good job."

We knew there were reasons we weren't mothers. She hid it better than I did. "Don't bother with classes." She shrugged as she looked away and started walking. "Just have fun with my broken dreams."

Well, this was my fault. I accepted that this was my fault. I looked at the controls. They looked like they were pretty self explanatory. I pressed one of the buttons. At first, there was just a creaking. And then I shook. The power of the thing moving was rattling the ground. I braced myself against the stalk until the shaking stopped.

I looked up. The thing had barely moved!

I decided I had to be more insistent. I pressed another button and kept it held down through the shaking. Then I pressed another. Then, finally, one last button until it was looking up at the sky.

I looked down at the controls. There was a screen with the same lines as from the terminal. I waited for what felt like an eternity as the lines stayed still. There was one button left. It wasn't labeled, but what's the worst that could happen? I held it down. There was a horrible lowing noise as the lines on the display went crazy. But when I pulled my hand away, the lines calmed down until they stopped.

They trained me to handle the cold before they decided I was Rough. So I just sat down and stared at the display. I expected something!

And there was nothing. I sat there until the sun was starting to set, and there was still nothing. I stood and looked back at the lab. It was going to be a long and disappointing walk back.

Then I heard something. Just a small noise. I turned and looked at the metal thing, but it had passed.

How is Yuuki Essence's bank?

Yuuki has a one pitch cv bank with English extras. She has a very nice, soft voice!

Where can I download Essence Yuuki?

She can be found on her official site. She is nice!

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