Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Forgotten Friday #282 - Edelstein's ルート / Root

 I am grateful that the romanized names are in the URL.

Forgotten Friday #282 - Edelstein's ルート / Root

Again, I know nothing. But the colors are really pretty!

Who is Root?

Art From Site
Veronica led Tobias through a little showroom she had set up for possible investors. She was giving him her rehearsed speech until they came upon a delicate tiara.

"This one." Veronica snapped out of her saleswoman act. "This tiara is what I'd want."

Tobias leaned back a bit. On the walk over, he had explained what he wanted. It had to be lightweight, but it needed to cover a radius around McKenzie and not work by suppressing the magic inside her body. "Why specifically?"

"The first thing is the fact that it's on her head. Your head is very important." Veronica nodded. "For some, blocking magic to just your head is enough. Even if it wasn't, the structure of it allows it to work with a pill type blocking body as opposed to a sphere." She picked it up from the decorative pillow it was sitting on and pointed at the combs that would keep it in place, "And, it holds on tight. You can't use magic to keep it affixed, so you need to rely on physics." She paused and then smirked. "Also, I'm a pretty, pretty princess who deserves a tiara."

"How much?" Tobias reached for his wallet, but Veronica stopped him.

"Gigi, I don't know what you think of our relationship," she sighed. "But I'm never going to charge you money for anything. You were the reason I was able to even try out the human world. I razz you, but you're important to me."

Tobias looked away from Veronica before mumbling, "And you are important to me too." He looked back at her. "How do you do it? I know that it's not hard to get a new identity, but how do you handle losing everything and starting over?"

She sat down the tiara and sighed. "As business goes? Honestly, it's freeing. I get a new identity with as many college degrees as I want. All of my businesses kick back to the people who do the documents, so I get set up in a nice house with with money to just have fun... But I like building." She picked at her nails. "But... Are the rumors about... Letting humans in on the magic true? This will be the third time I've had to leave my children with no explanation... Well, they thought I died."

"The rumors are kind of true." Tobias shook his head. "It is a plan that's supported by almost everyone under thirty, but there's still the old guard."

"You know I'm cold." She took a deep breath as she looked back at the tiara. "It was easy the first time. They were married straight out of high school. But now... They don't stop needing you, even when they're fully adult. It feels so great having them with me, but how do I let go when it feels like they'll never stop needing me?"

"Maybe things will change faster than we think..." Tobias looked away. "Maybe it'll be okay."

How Is Root's bank?

Root has a five pitch VCV bank. The voice is very cute and high quality.

Where can I download Root?

Root can be downloaded from their official site. It's strange that such a high quality bank with such a good design feels like a throwaway.

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