Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #271 - Haziq Hazumazu / はずまず

 new story time yay!

Wiki Wednesday #271 - Haziq Hazumazu / はずまず

Hazamaru is a cat who fought in a war. He likes to sing, dance, and sleep.

Who is Hazumazu Haziq?

Art from wiki

(I switched personalities and can't work on my other series right now, so here's a new one until I get better!)

alien terminal 1

"It's absolutely amazing!"

I looked up at her. She was tall with almost grey skin in the awful lighting. She was dressed in the most vomit-esque colors she could be while still looking bland.

"But, you know."

It was just another terminal, but there was something different. Instead of the green text, there was some kind of... Drawing on it.

She cleared her throat. "Yes, right. Do any of you remember that giant thing up on the hill?"

I looked behind myself. I was the oldest, but I wasn't the most apathetic. I looked back at her. She deserved at least one break. "Yeah, it did something?"

She nodded and reached down and turned a knob on the terminal. A line on the screen started to twitch and pulsate as a garbled message with crackling static filled the room.

"Wow." I tried not to sound sarcastic. "Let me guess, another piece of tech they're killing?"

"No, yes, but..." She tried to laugh as she adjusted the dial to turn off the sound. "I've spent most of my professional career on this. I could make it work, but you know."

"It's too much for a pet project." I shrugged. "They need to you do stuff that helps them. It's your job." I realized why she was showing us. "We don't have jobs."

"Boring!" One of the girls behind me called out. "I'm rough because I can't fight, not because I'm boring!"

"I can fight." I rolled my eyes as I turned towards her. I lunged forward just enough to make her flinch. "But I choose to be boring."

The girls all froze.

I was strange. I knew it. I had the stocky body of a fighter and I had no disabilities... Other than my inability to take orders.

I turned back to the woman. My outburst didn't phase her - her life was dealing with warriors.

"I want to play around with it." I shrugged. "You know, point it at the sky just to see what happens."

"Well." She lowered her chin. "That's useless. But who even cares?"

She cared. She very obviously did care.

"I'll need to get your key card updated for you to be able to get in." She tried to regain her composure. "You will need to be touching it to move it."

And that was that. As if it had never happened, she guided us away from the terminal and into an empty, poorly lit hallway with walls that looked sickly and seemed to sweat.

I had seen the thing on the hill before, but I wasn't sure what it did. I didn't even know what she thought it was meant to do.

But that had to wait. She needed to give me a new key card. All that she could do now is give us a lecture on electricity.

How are Haziq Hazumazu's banks?

There was a small mix up on his wiki page. The link for the VCCV was a duplicate link for his VCV. I don't like vccv very much, so I felt relief.

First, he has a one pitch Japanese CVVC bank. It has VV, which makes me happy. There are some issues with the otos (a weird crackling sound because the plosive sound is included in the VC), but that has a very easy fix. His voice is lovely and high quality!

Next is his English CVVC. It... Has a password and I don't know what that is. It's not a case of the password being difficult, just that I can't find it.

And... His VCV also has a password. Oh well, at least his CVVC is very nice.

Where can I download Hazumazu?

The links are on his Wiki page. Perhaps someone will find out the passwords some day!

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