Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #273 - Richard Joy

 this utau was created by mbarnesmmd.

Wiki Wednesday #273 - Richard Joy

If I understand, Richard has been a father to his siblings since they were orphaned. He is 31 years old and likes peanuts.

Who is Richard Joy?

Art from site

alien terminal 3

I didn't bother going back to the terminal right away. As interested as I was, I wanted to get warm and sleep.

I listened to her and didn't go to class after getting my breakfast. I went straight to the terminal.

I was alone in the room. It's was large, but it was piled high with broken dreams that just 'weren't worth it' to the warriors.

She didn't explain anything about the terminal, but I didn't think it would be too difficult to figure out. Use the dial to move the selection, and then press the dial to select. I noticed quickly that the part of the screen with the recordings was full. There were only three yesterday, and now there were many more.

I scrolled to the one she had shown us. I played it, and it sounded the same. Then there was the one that I had sent out by pressing the button. It was just a loud, continuous noise. Then there was that little noise I heard before I had left.

There were more. A signal came in, then a signal went out. At first it was a small noise that was mostly static, but then it got louder and clearer.

There was a send message button on the terminal. I moved so that I was in front of the sound capture device and pressed down the button. "Hello? Was this worth it?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Of course it wasn't! I looked around for a chair that didn't look busted or maybe some kind of electronic puzzle to keep my mind busy while I was just doing nothing.

And suddenly, there was music.

I turned back to the terminal. The lines on the screen were bouncing around. I walked back to the terminal and stared.

Everyone has music. Warriors sing out to synchronize during training. But we didn't have anything like this. Soft, gentle... Warm? I stared in disbelief.

Then, the terminal crashed. I slowly nodded my head. Cool. That terminal probably cost more than half of the weapons in a battalion put together, and I was the one to break it.

I decided to turn and go back to finding a chair. And then the terminal booted up again. I turned and gasped. The screen was different. Instead of the diagnostic screen, there was a crude picture of a face. Just two lines and a curve - like a smiling face.

I walked back to the terminal and nervously turned the dial. It kicked me out of the smiling face screen to something... Incomprehensible.

There were more crude drawings that I couldn't understand at first glance, though these were more detailed.

I saw one that looked almost inappropriate. An arrow going into a strange oval with lines in it. I scrolled down to it and pressed select, bracing myself for whatever that symbol was meant to mean.

A new screen appeared.

How is Joy Richard's bank?

Richard has a one pitch cv bank. He has a voice that feels calm but stern.

Where Can I download Richard Joy?

You can find him on his official site. He is nice!

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