Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Forgotten Friday #283 - Edelstein's ラリマー / Larimar

 this utau has a child as the voice provider. Do not be bad people.

Forgotten Friday #283 - Edelstein's ラリマー / Larimar

These utaus just don't have information on them. I checked the Visual Archive, and the only info they have is that Larimar has a girl voice. But the voice provider was like ten years old at one point, so the voice provider could have been a boy who sounds like a girl. 

Who is Larimar?

Art from site

I thought I might take this space to explain some things that may seem inconsistent.

Mrs. Mossgarten told Aliyah that wearing a suppressor was torture, but Aliyah has no issues being in a room that blocks all magic. This is because Aliyah's magic is different. While her magic is an intrinsic part of her, it doesn't act as magic unless she activates it herself.

When all magic is blocked, Tobias is able to maintain his disguise. When an elf creates a disguise, they are in that moment breaking the laws of physics to create matter to build up a physical body to inhabit. They're technically just beings of energy that can take any form. Removing magic from that physical form would not change it at all. When a witch creates a disguise, it is maintained by the magic itself. When the magic is removed, the disguise is removed. An elf must use magic to change their physical form.

How was Veronica able to carry half human children if she was really just a cloud of energy? It entirely depended on the child. Some were mostly elf and were also mostly energy. She could more or less do anything normally and it not matter. Some were more human and worked as a suppressor so that she wouldn't be able to drastically change forms. That was mostly irrelevant, though, because she already wore suppressors.

Elves have some form of genetic information that informs what their 'default' appearance is, but elves rarely use that default appearance as it's easier to just look human. Tobias, however, loves looking like a video game character.

Okay, elves are just the embodiment of magic, and half human elves exist... Are witches part elf? Elf magic and human magic are entirely different and come from different sources. Humans were gifted magic from a different source. (Editor's note: I may have slightly changed my mind on this point.)

Witches in power tend to hate elves, but elves don't care. Tobias cared for the kids for fun - no one was making him and he could leave at any time.

Why do the witches other themselves and call people without magic normal humans? Why isn't there a fun word for it? The political climate, basically. To begin, as time goes on, people lose their connection to whatever gave witches their magic. There aren't many witches compared to all of the people without magic. At some point, witches acted very superior and had all of those fun words. However, you'll also notice that Charlotte makes everyone sit through sensitivity training. Her goal is to equalize everyone by giving everyone magic so that there is no difference for anyone to feel superior about.

Stellaris's first name isn't Stellaris. It's actually Susan. Almost no one really believes her name is actually Susan, even when given legal proof that her name is Susan Stellaris.

I have no editor. I plan some things, but a lot come to me as I'm writing and it's like I'm reading someone else's story. I hope that clears things up!

How are Larimar's banks?

This is an utau blog, so Deep Vocal banks will be ignored. 

These banks are big. The first, tsuyotsuyo is... 1.23 gigabytes. Ouch.

That's because she is a nine pitch bank, but it's only three pitches, but with three different expressions. Yeah, I'm pretty speechless. This bank is amazing and sounds like it cost money. They got a 13 year old to sit through all that recording??! And it turn out stunning?!

Next is Boyoboyo, Which is tiny compared to the previous bank. It is just a three pitch vcv. I think this bank is trying to be cute And make the pronunciation strange.

Kosokoso is a one pitch vcv. Because the aliases have W at the end, I think this whisper append is meant to be added to other banks. 

Howahowa is a three pitch vcv. The voice is so sweet, calm, and cute!!

Biribiri is a three pitch VCV. The voice is very nice.

Hisohiso is a two pitch cvvc bank. The voice is so cute and adorable!

Finally, there is the two pitch CVVC: CVVC. While this voice isn't the best of these banks, the voice provider was only ten years old when this was recorded!!

Where can I download Larimar?

The download links are on the official site. This is an awesome utau!

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