Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #270 - Cattyloid

 this utau dislikes coffee. I'm literally drinking coffee as I write this!

Wiki Wednesday #270 - Cattyloid

Cattyloid is a thirteen year old girl. She likes cats and mountain dew. She dislikes monkeys and tea.

Who is Cattyloid?

Image by Nianlike


A New Vampire, part 14

"You're different." Dagger shrugged as she started walking again. "There's two camps - old aunts and uncles who will give you the shirt off of their backs and self absorbed jerks."

"Why do you say that?" I actually was interested now.

"Old people always say, 'oh poor baby, you've been through so much and we just want you to be okay!'' She pretended to gag. "And jerks say, 'yeah, well listen to what I went through!'"

"Yeah." I shrugged. How was I supposed to respond? That I didn't actually care? "Stuff sucks sometimes."

She went silent to take in what I said. She actually looked a little upset.

"Okay," I sighed. "Where were you?"

"Boarding school." Her tone suddenly became clipped. "Got my GED and left."

There was an awkward silence until she started talking about her coursework at the boarding school compared to her old school.

It was nice to have something to rudely tune out after all of the silence with the older vampires.

We had started in a quaint forest, but the trees gave way to shrubs which gave way to nothing but snow that felt like it was freezing my shoes into solid ice. Suddenly, I saw some structures in the distance.

"That's it." Dagger shrugged as we got closer. "That's our new life."

I stopped and stared. There were just mobile homes. Not nice ones, just generic mobile homes with silver siding. Maybe they weren't mobile homes and they were just sheet metal held up with a hope and a prayer... But that was it. No trees, no water, nothing but snow and metal.

"There's humans here," Dagger sounded a bit nervous. "So it's not totally just vampires sitting around being..." She sighed. "I didn't want to end up here either, but I couldn't pick who adopted me once I bailed out of the boarding school."

"Great." I rolled my eyes. "I'm glad we'll be unhappy together, Dagger."

She laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty glad I won't be alone as the tiny petulant child."

I froze. And then her words sunk in. "Yeah, I could be an unfortunate seventeen year old, being frustrated at adults with you."

"You mind if we share a..." She paused. "I don't even know what they're called."

"Yeah." I nodded. "If I don't like hanging out with you, I'll just go find someone else. It's not like we need an actual place for ourselves if we don't need to eat, sleep, or avoid the cold."

"I'm glad." Dagger let out a sigh of relief. "I really wouldn't want to be stuck with a lot of the people out here. Just a really nasty personality clash, you know?"

"Yeah." I nodded as we started walking towards the settlement again. "Not everyone can get along well, especially when it's meant to be your space."

An awkward silence fell over us as she led me to the structure she had been living in before she was sent to the boarding school.

As she opened the door, I realized that this was truly my new life.

How Are Cattyloid's banks?

V4 is a romaji encoded one pitch CV bank, as are they all. The voice is very nice!

Next is her Whisper bank. Her voice sounds noisy sometimes, but her voice is still nice!

Finally, there is the Vintage append. Let me explain about You need a DeviantArt account to download from, even though nothing says that. dA and Stash have different log in systems, so even if you're logged into dA, you'll probably be logged out of Stash and get a missing file error. Log into Stash with your dA username / password and then reopen the Stash download page you want to download from.

Vintage is a different character from Cattyloid. For example, she is seventeen. This voice is so sweet and nice! It's my favorite of the banks. 

Where can I download Cattyloid?

You can find the links on her Wiki page. She is nice!

1 comment:

  1. Cattyloid's creator here! (I no longer go by Scourge Dreemur, I use the title of 12GAUGEGRIN Thank you so much for this, I'm actually thinkinh of remaking her voicebanks sometime in the future.
