Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Forgotten Friday #288 - 廃音迎奈 / Sutarine Geena

 okay, just like 12 more articles and I'll be able to do something else...

Forgotten Friday #288 - 廃音迎奈 / Sutarine Geena

Geena is an eighteen year old gamer girl or something.

Who is Geena Sutarine?

Art from Bank 
After some pleasantries, Stellaris's mother hopped away to tend to something else.

"So, Susan..." Her father cleared his throat. "What is this about? I can fully understand you wanting to prove to yourself that you are mature and capable, but what other girls you are friends with would want that?"

Stellaris leaned back in her chair and looked away from the screen. His confusion was warranted. She mostly spent time with the other privileged students. They wouldn't want to prove themselves. "I have a friend that I've told you about - Aliyah."

His eyes widened. "Oh... The Spontaneously Gifted girl?"

She nodded. "But, she never wanted to impose and she didn't know if she could get permission to leave... Especially without an adult looking after her."

He nodded. "And the other one?"

"She's well..." She looked back at the screen, "She's twelve."

"Susan!" He sputtered. "Why do you want to look after a child?"

"Okay so..." Stellaris sighed. "Can you keep a secret?" She knew she didn't need to ask - her father knew how to keep things confidential. Once he nodded, she continued. "She's not comfortable having magic, so she has been given an extremely high powered suppressor and has been pulled from all of her magic classes. Right now, she has Aliyah to take care of her, but Aliyah is probably going to some prestigious University far away from the containment zone."

He slowly nodded. She was so happy he was so smart, because she knew he could read between the lines. "You're smart, so you've ironed out all of the legalities involved?"

"I have permission from both of their legal guardians to take them on vacation." She took a deep breath. "And if it goes well, I will be able to get the twelve year old's legal guardian to give me guardianship over her so that she can go to high school as a normal human."

He softly laughed. "We raised you right, didn't we? This would be an entirely ridiculous idea... But, she's basically an orphan, isn't she?"

"It was really bad..." Stellaris sighed. "She didn't learn to read until she was ten. She spent two years where her only form of social interaction was being taught by a house elf... I haven't told her about wanting to put her into normal human school, because I don't know if I could handle being her guardian... And I won't know until I try."

Her father looked distressed. "She needs a lucky break, huh? I'll find you a place that's sufficiently affordable... But, those girls deserve a good time. I'll pay for all of the restaurants and shopping that the girls want to do."

"It won't be that bad..." She nervously laughed, "the younger one still wears the robes Miss Constance gave her."

He laughed. "Miss Constance! I can't believe she's still alive! Of course. You're doing a good thing by letting them see the world. I want them to be able to go out and have fun, at least once."

How Are Sutarine Geena's banks?

The first bank is a one pitch cv bank. Her voice is very cute!

EASY is a three pitch CVVC. The Oto files are the kind of off that you will only notice if you are a very precise tuner. There's also a chance that the VC for 'ny' just... Aren't there? Maybe the n is very quiet, but it looks like silence. I like this voice a lot! It is cute and high quality when you adjust the otos.

Finally, there is CVVC Ver 1. The otos be wonky.  The voice is awesome and high quality, though!

Where Can I Download Geena Sutarine?

The link to the bowlroll she is on is on her official site. She is cool!

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