Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Forgotten Friday #298 - faerimagic's ORCA / オルカ

 I got so far behind!

Forgotten Friday #298 - faerimagic's ORCA / オルカ

Orca looked like she was lost. Her Wiki page had all of media removed and the official site was private. However, the banks were still up.

Orca is a mysterious person who hates kazoos.

Who is Orca?

Art from Bank


Martha couldn't help but squirm. The moment she got off of the plane, she was pulled into a dingey office room.

"Well!" The man sitting across from her had heavily accented English. Most of the people from the suburbs made it a point to not understand accented English, but Martha watched too much foreign television growing up for it to be an issue for her. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I... Don't really know if I count as a refugee, sir." Martha had only brought a single backpack with her. She forgot to take it off when she sat down, so she played with the straps. 

"Are you kidding!" The man laughed. "I understand you had family you could stay with, and that's why you're so sure you don't count. Yes, but." He cleared his throat, "Martha," he pronounced her name in a very European way, "You were illegally drugged and kicked out of your home of ten years."

"Well, yes." Martha slowly tilted her chin down, unable to give the nod she was hoping to give. 

"Well, allow me to explain." He placed his hands on his desk. "Yes, of course, when a person is fleeing from war or famine, we let them in. No questions asked - set them up with a little apartment and give them opportunities and all of that."

"Yes, I know I'm not that." Martha finally was able to nod. "So how am I here?"

"When someone is in an illegal situation but safe, as you were when you were living in that dystopia, we can't just let them come over here on the government's money." He shrugged. "Any chance we have to tell the United States we're better, we want to take." He laughed again, but quickly regained a serious aura. "We open it up to companies and businesses. The United States isn't all horrible dystopia. We get a lot of American tourists who like hearing American voices. We get a lot of tourists from everywhere who don't speak the local language and want to speak to someone fluent in English."

"So... I'm here because a company paid for me to be here?" Martha was confused. 

"That's strange you didn't know that." He was visibly confused. "Usually I give that spiel and people are annoyed." He chuckled. "But yes. Tourism in the southern regions has been devastated by climate change. Hotels that have been thriving for hundreds of years are doing anything to get people to come stay there." He shook his head, "I don't think it would ever work out. But it is showing a tiny bit of promise. They want to make the perfect getaway for anyone who wants to pretend to be in America."

"Why?" Martha tilted her head to the side slightly. 

"That's what I said." He shook his head. "A train ride is cheaper than a plane ticket, and there are visa issues... But exactly. Why build your entire brand around the United States in Europe?"

How Are Orca's banks?

Orca has two CV banks: 1 and 2.

The otos of 1 have some incorrect aliases, but the otos are pretty good otherwise! Orca has a lovely and calm voice that is still bright.

I'll just say it - just listening to the samples in the oto configuration screen, I can tell Orca 2.1 is very high quality with a beautiful voice. I also like her design! I wish she had gotten a VCV bank. 

Where Can I download ORCA?

The links to download her are on her Wiki page. She is lovely!

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